ScoopInstaller / Java

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zulu-jdk: fixed hash #425

Closed SonaliBendre closed 2 years ago

issaclin32 commented 2 years ago

I just downloaded the file to check the hash, and it turns out that the SHA-256 in the manifest is correct.

They probably reverted the file?

> 7z h -scrcSHA256
SHA256                                                                    Size  Name
---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------  ------------
384b0379ee0ca09da8e9d6728b2b8d6770c52da21da7106bf613f8f8bd80bf94     195843849
---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------  ------------
384b0379ee0ca09da8e9d6728b2b8d6770c52da21da7106bf613f8f8bd80bf94     195843849
se35710 commented 2 years ago

Zulu API provided the correct hash.