ScoopInstaller / Main

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mysql@8.0.33: hash check failed #4716

Closed Liftu closed 1 year ago

Liftu commented 1 year ago
PS C:\Users\user> scoop install mysql@5.7.42
Updating Scoop...
Updating 'extras' bucket...
 * d71341fb2 vcredist-aio: Update to version 0.71.0                      2 hours ago
 * 7b9352d26 propertree: Update to version 0.2023.04.23                  2 hours ago
 * f71e09a6b filelight: Update to version 23.04.0-1326                   2 hours ago
 * c0090dc82 crystaldiskinfo: Update to version 8.17.14                  2 hours ago
 * 1b16d9730 yed: Update suggest                                         4 hours ago
 * 1d4ff955b xnconvert: Update suggest                                   4 hours ago
 * 46cb1b822 wox: Update suggest                                         4 hours ago
 * 82b8edb5a todolist: Update suggest                                    4 hours ago
 * 993e2a71b streamlink: Update suggest                                  4 hours ago
 * 7e885b6a2 stash: Update suggest                                       4 hours ago
 * e97fed260 shadowsocksr-hmbsbige: Update suggest                       4 hours ago
 * e607c98a4 rssguard: Update suggest                                    4 hours ago
 * f5d76172e roslynpad: Update suggest                                   4 hours ago
 * 87b60a166 ripme: Update suggest                                       4 hours ago
 * 52926c82b rclone-browser: Update suggest                              4 hours ago
 * 0d77a79d7 qt-creator: Update suggest                                  4 hours ago
 * 367a8c944 plex-desktop: Update suggest                                4 hours ago
 * 8061dc06a pass-winmenu-nogpg: Update suggest                          4 hours ago
 * e980cf428 openwithplusplus: Update suggest                            4 hours ago
 * f6610bdbb openrgb: Update suggest                                     4 hours ago
 * a7d4bc6d6 netch: Update suggest                                       4 hours ago
 * f901f388e mucommander: Update suggest                                 4 hours ago
 * 10385383a mqtt-spy: Update suggest                                    4 hours ago
 * e5c427921 lightbulb: Update suggest                                   4 hours ago
 * 11a26755f languagetool-java: Update suggest                           4 hours ago
 * c6f4d8082 josm: Update suggest                                        4 hours ago
 * 4033cffd3 jellyfin: Update suggest                                    4 hours ago
 * faaa941e8 ipscan: Update suggest                                      4 hours ago
 * ffec48848 inno-setup: Update suggest                                  4 hours ago
 * 0a9c10383 flameshot: Update suggest                                   4 hours ago
 * 587bb51a9 ffqueue: Update suggest                                     4 hours ago
 * f324edd6c ccextractor: Update suggest                                 4 hours ago
 * 454b7315e capframex: Update suggest                                   4 hours ago
 * 9c7a5917a axiom: Update suggest                                       4 hours ago
 * 01855e071 ani-cli: Update suggest                                     4 hours ago
 * 8437a7a6b android-studio: Update suggest                              4 hours ago
Updating 'java' bucket...
Updating 'main' bucket...
 Converting 'main' bucket to git repo...
Checking repo... OK
The main bucket was added successfully.
Scoop was updated successfully!
WARN  Given version (5.7.42) does not match manifest (8.0.33)
WARN  Attempting to generate manifest for 'mysql' (5.7.42)
Autoupdating mysql
Searching hash for in
Found: md5:582a256f77da9846d88ef9fae86c0790 using Extract Mode
Writing updated mysql manifest
Installing 'mysql' (5.7.42) [64bit] (318.4 MB) [==========================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of ... ERROR Hash check failed!
App:         mysql
First bytes: 50 4B 03 04 0A 00 00 00
Expected:    582a256f77da9846d88ef9fae86c0790
Actual:      4b2c306b55300806d3acfcbc666725c9

Please try again or create a new issue by using the following link and paste your console output:

PS C:\Users\user> scoop install mysql@5.7.42
WARN  Given version (5.7.42) does not match manifest (8.0.33)
WARN  Attempting to generate manifest for 'mysql' (5.7.42)
Autoupdating mysql
Searching hash for in
Found: md5:582a256f77da9846d88ef9fae86c0790 using Extract Mode
Writing updated mysql manifest
WARN  Purging previous failed installation of mysql.
ERROR 'mysql' isn't installed correctly.
Removing older version (5.7.42).
'mysql' was uninstalled.
Installing 'mysql' (5.7.42) [64bit] (318.4 MB) [==========================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of ... ERROR Hash check failed!
App:         mysql
First bytes: 50 4B 03 04 0A 00 00 00
Expected:    582a256f77da9846d88ef9fae86c0790
Actual:      4b2c306b55300806d3acfcbc666725c9

Please try again or create a new issue by using the following link and paste your console output:

PS C:\Users\user> scoop install mysql@5.7.42 --skip
WARN  Given version (5.7.42) does not match manifest (8.0.33)
WARN  Attempting to generate manifest for 'mysql' (5.7.42)
Autoupdating mysql
Searching hash for in
Found: md5:582a256f77da9846d88ef9fae86c0790 using Extract Mode
Writing updated mysql manifest
WARN  Purging previous failed installation of mysql.
ERROR 'mysql' isn't installed correctly.
Removing older version (5.7.42).
'mysql' was uninstalled.
Installing 'mysql' (5.7.42) [64bit] (318.4 MB) [==========================================================================] 100%
Extracting ... done.
Running pre_install script...
Linking ~\scoop\apps\mysql\current => ~\scoop\apps\mysql\5.7.42
Creating shim for 'ibd2sdi'.
Can't shim 'bin\ibd2sdi.exe': File doesn't exist.
Liftu commented 1 year ago

I used the link in the output to create the issue, so the title is MySQL 8.0.33 but I was trying to install 5.7.42.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Cannot reproduce

Are you sure your scoop is up to date? Clean cache and reinstall Please run scoop update; scoop cache rm mysql; and update/reinstall application

Hash mismatch could be caused by these factors:

Liftu commented 1 year ago

I still get the same issue.

rashil2000 commented 1 year ago

Use scoop install mysql@5.7.42 -s

Liftu commented 1 year ago

I unfortunately got rid of the VM I got this issue with and installed mariadb without issue instead. But I already tried this without success. You can see the result of this command at the end of the original post.