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[Request]: platformio #5235

Open mid-kid opened 7 months ago

mid-kid commented 7 months ago






Ecosystem and package management tool for embedded toolchains


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Some Indication of Popularity/Repute

It's essentially becoming the gold standard for embedded development on windows, displacing the various proprietary IDEs permeating the ecosystem.

I don't particularly like its nature as an opaque set of binary utilities that tries to be The One Way to build embedded projects (it doesn't give you an easy way to build software without the platformio tools, much like what arduino projects tend to), especially on linux, but it makes a lot of sense in the context of windows and scoop in particular, and it's getting harder and harder to deny its influence.

rashil2000 commented 5 months ago

The standalone tool for PlatformIO is the IDE, the rest of them are just extensions for various editors.

What exactly would you want Scoop to facilitate in, here?

mid-kid commented 5 months ago

The standalone tool for PlatformIO is the pio command-line utility and build driver. Scoop would aid in making it easy to install, like how arduino-cli is currently packaged.