ScoopInstaller / Main

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[Bug] Failed to update WinPython to version #5762

Closed Amazingkenneth closed 2 months ago

Amazingkenneth commented 2 months ago

Bug Report

Current Behavior

PS C:\Users\a> scoop update *
winpython: ->
Updating one outdated app:
Updating 'winpython' ( ->
Downloading new version
Loading Winpython64- from cache.
Checking hash of Winpython64- ... ok.
Uninstalling 'winpython' (
Unlinking D:\Scoop\apps\winpython\current
Installing 'winpython' ( [64bit] from 'main' bucket
Loading Winpython64- from cache.
Extracting dl.7z ... done.
Linking D:\Scoop\apps\winpython\current => D:\Scoop\apps\winpython\
Creating shim for 'idle'.
Get-Command : The term 'scripts\idle.bat' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path
was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At D:\Scoop\apps\scoop\current\lib\install.ps1:783 char:21
+             $bin = (Get-Command $target).Source
+                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (scripts\idle.bat:String) [Get-Command], C
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Get

Can't shim 'scripts\idle.bat': File doesn't exist.
PS C:\Users\a>

Expected Behavior

Successful Installation/Update

Additional context/output

The required scripts\idle.bat batch file (described in the winpython.json file) is removed in the latest release of WinPython, causing the error to occur. script\winidle.bat probably serves the same function since both files call "%WINPYDIR%\python.exe" "%WINPYDIR%\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw" %* in the older version (

Possible Solution

Modify winpython.json file in the main bucket.

System details

Windows version: 11

OS architecture: 64bit

PowerShell version: 5.1.22621.2506

Scoop Configuration

    "last_update": "2024-04-27T19:50:22.3031048+08:00",
    "aria2-warning-enabled": false,
    "scoop_branch": "master",
    "scoop_repo": ""
aliesbelik commented 2 months ago

@niheaven, seems should be in Main.

greenhull commented 2 months ago

I keep getting a link to "". which looks like a very bad link has something been hacked?? this is via the sourceforge link to the executeables

Amazingkenneth commented 2 months ago

I keep getting a link to "". which looks like a very bad link has something been hacked?? this is via the sourceforge link to the executeables

The link works fine here. Did you use the link described in winpython.json? It should be