ScoopInstaller / Scoop

A command-line installer for Windows.
20.45k stars 1.38k forks source link

[Bug] Scoop now skips downloading setup package if the progrram is already running #5970

Closed xolve closed 2 months ago

xolve commented 2 months ago

Bug Report

Scoop now requires that current running program should be closed before it starts download of setup package. Earlier it used to download and then attempt to install or skip installation based on application running status.

Current Behavior

Scoop now requires that current running program should be closed before it starts download of setup package. Closing the application and waiting for download and installation is too much of time to wait.

Expected Behavior

Scoop should download the setup package before it attempt install or checks for running application before cancelling installation. This reduces the amount of time for which an app need to be stopped.

Additional context/output

Failed installation because firefox is already running.

~> scoop update firefox
firefox: 125.0.3 -> 126.0
Updating one outdated app:
Updating 'firefox' (125.0.3 -> 126.0)
ERROR The following instances of "firefox" are still running. Close them and try again.

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K)     CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      -----     ------     --  -- -----------
    378      67   300296     199496      39.03   1800   1 firefox

Running process detected, skip updating.

After closing firefox, download and installation proceeds

~> scoop update firefox
firefox: 125.0.3 -> 126.0
Updating one outdated app:
Updating 'firefox' (125.0.3 -> 126.0)
Downloading new version
Firefox%20Setup%20126.0.exe (61.4 MB) [=========================================================================================================================] 100%
Checking hash of Firefox%20Setup%20126.0.exe ... ok.
Uninstalling 'firefox' (125.0.3)
Removing shim 'firefox.shim'.
Removing shim 'firefox.exe'.
Unlinking ~\scoop\apps\firefox\current
Installing 'firefox' (126.0) [64bit] from 'extras' bucket
Loading Firefox%20Setup%20126.0.exe from cache
Extracting dl.7z ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\firefox\current => ~\scoop\apps\firefox\126.0
Creating shim for 'firefox'.
Making <...>\firefox.exe a GUI binary.
Creating shortcut for Firefox (firefox.exe)
Creating shortcut for Firefox Profile Manager (firefox.exe)
Persisting distribution
Persisting profile
Running post_install script...
'firefox' (126.0) was installed successfully!
To set profile 'Scoop' as *DEFAULT*, or profiles/settings was lost after update:
- Run 'Firefox Profile Manager', choose 'Scoop' then click 'Start Firefox'.
- Visit 'about:profiles' page in Firefox to check *DEFAULT* profile.
For details:

Possible Solution

System details

Windows version: Windows 11

OS architecture: x86_64

PowerShell version: [output of "$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"] Major Minor Build Revision

5 1 22621 2506

Additional software: [(optional) e.g. ConEmu, Git]

Scoop Configuration

    "last_update":  "2024-05-15T14:37:28.4192097+05:30",
    "scoop_branch":  "master",
    "scoop_repo":  ""
niheaven commented 2 months ago

It is designed, and you should execute scoop download to download the file separately.