ScoopInstaller / Scoop

A command-line installer for Windows.
20.32k stars 1.37k forks source link


Closed thealjey closed 5 days ago

thealjey commented 5 days ago

Bug Report

Current Behavior

Why, oh please tell me why is 7ZIPEXTRACT_USE_EXTERNAL completely ignored? I did find a few issues that have, supposedly, been fixed long ago. But, evidently, the problem wasn't really fixed, because it is still tormenting me today, with all the latest versions of everything installed. I do have 7zip installed globally using chocolatey and the 7z command is globally available to powershell.

Expected Behavior

A global installation of 7zip used.

Additional context/output

PS C:\Users\aljey> (Get-Command '7z' -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -First 1).Source

PS C:\Users\aljey> scoop config 7ZIPEXTRACT_USE_EXTERNAL true
'7ZIPEXTRACT_USE_EXTERNAL' has been set to 'true'

PS C:\Users\aljey> scoop install renpy
Installing '7zip' (24.07) [64bit] from 'main' bucket
The remote name could not be resolved: ''
URL is not valid

Possible Solution

Maybe don't ignore your own configuration options and show meaningful error messages instead of eagerly jumping into the installation of a package you were not asked to be installed??

Or, how about making it possible to specify $7zPath directly, removing the need for any searching at all?

System details

Windows version: 11

OS architecture: 64bit

PowerShell version: Major Minor Build Revision
5 1 22621 3672

Additional software: [(optional) e.g. ConEmu, Git]

Scoop Configuration

    "last_update":  "2024-06-28T00:16:41.7796475+03:00",
    "scoop_repo":  "",
    "scoop_branch":  "master",
    "7zipextract_use_external":  true
chawyehsu commented 5 days ago

7ZIPEXTRACT_USE_EXTERNAL's been deprecated, please run scoop help config to view the valid config options.

thealjey commented 5 days ago

@chawyehsu that one comment was more helpful to my nervous system, than the whole scoop website

have a lovely day and thank you very much!