ScoopInstaller / Scoop

A command-line installer for Windows.
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[Bug] scoop-virustotal gives an error instead of report after release 0.5.0 #6042

Closed jkniiv closed 1 week ago

jkniiv commented 2 weeks ago

Bug Report

Current Behavior

Scoop-virustotal is not usable anymore after release 0.5.0. Instead of an VirusTotal report we get just errors. It seems some parameters have not been marshalled properly.

Expected Behavior

Scoop-virustotal should provide a VirusTotal report for any package specified.

Additional context/output

C:\Users\jkniiv> scoop virustotal eza
Property 'malicious' not valid on JArray.
Property 'suspicious' not valid on JArray.
Property 'timeout' not valid on JArray.
Property 'undetected' not valid on JArray.
WARN  main/eza: VirusTotal request failed: Cannot convert value "[1113159]" to type "System.Int32". Error: "The input string '[1113159]' was not in a correct format."
C:\Users\jkniiv> scoop info eza

Name        : eza
Description : A modern, maintained replacement for ls, built on exa.
Version     : 0.18.20 (Update to 0.18.21 available)
Bucket      : main
Website     :
License     : MIT
Updated at  : 1.7.2024 11:28:55
Updated by  : github-actions[bot]
Installed   : 0.18.19
Binaries    : eza.exe | exa.exe

C:\Users\jkniiv> scoop virustotal persepolis
Property 'malicious' not valid on JArray.
Property 'suspicious' not valid on JArray.
Property 'timeout' not valid on JArray.
Property 'undetected' not valid on JArray.
WARN  extras/persepolis: VirusTotal request failed: Cannot convert value "[115695080]" to type "System.Int32". Error: "The input string '[115695080]' was not in a correct format."
C:\Users\jkniiv> scoop virustotal doggo
Property 'malicious' not valid on JArray.
Property 'suspicious' not valid on JArray.
Property 'timeout' not valid on JArray.
Property 'undetected' not valid on JArray.
WARN  main/doggo: VirusTotal request failed: Cannot convert value "[4096151]" to type "System.Int32". Error: "The input string '[4096151]' was not in a correct format."

Possible Solution

System details

Windows version: 10 ver. 22H2 (build 19045.4529)

OS architecture: 64bit

PowerShell version: 7.4.3

Additional software: [(optional) e.g. ConEmu, Git]

Scoop Configuration

  "virustotal_api_key": "002redacted",
  "aria2-enabled": true,
  "last_update": "2024-07-05T21:31:57.8912335+03:00",
  "scoop_repo": "",
  "scoop_branch": "master"

Additionally, $env:SCOOP has been set to 'C:\scoop'.

Lutra-Fs commented 2 weeks ago

related to

ZzzZeta commented 2 weeks ago

Is there any way to revert to the previous version of scoop before the fix is applied?

Lutra-Fs commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, the fix is deployed on develop branch. If you want to try the latest feature and fix please run scoop config scoop_branch develop or you could try sfsu you can see scoop info sfsu for more info.