ScoopInstaller / Scoop

A command-line installer for Windows.
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Failed to extract files #83

Closed CodisRedding closed 10 years ago

CodisRedding commented 10 years ago

I'm following your instructs to install the solarized theme, but i'm running into issues

PS C:\Users\Rocky Assad> scoop install 7zip
installing 7zip (9.20)
loading from cache...
checking hash...ok
extracting...exit code was 1639
failed to extract files from C:\Users\Rocky Assad\appdata\local\scoop\apps\7zip\9.20\7z920-x64.msi
ntwb commented 10 years ago

Hmmm... Just updating 7z to 9.22 I don't get that error:

C:\Users\Stephen\Dev\scoop [master +2 ~1 -0 !]PS>scoop uninstall 7zip
uninstalling 7zip (9.20)
removing shim for 7z
7zip was uninstalled
C:\Users\Stephen\Dev\scoop [master +2 ~1 -0 !]PS>scoop install C:\Users\Stephen\dev\scoop\bucket\7zip.json
installing 7zip (9.22)
checking hash...ok
creating shim for 7z
7zip (9.22) was installed successfully!
lukesampson commented 10 years ago

Sorry about my previous (deleted) message, I accidentally hit enter.

1639 is an invalid command line, so maybe there are some unexpected characters in the path that Scoop's trying to use.

Can you please try extracting the MSI manually with these commands which will hopefully log information about what went wrong:

mkdir test
msiexec /a (resolve-path "~\appdata\local\scoop\cache\7zip#9.20#http_downloads.sourceforge.net_project_sevenzip_7-zip_9.20_7z920-x64.msi") TARGETDIR="$pwd\test" /log debug.txt

This will leave a test directory and a debug.txt file in the directory you run it from. If you can post the debug.txt file here that'd be great (and delete the test directory too).

lukesampson commented 10 years ago

@ntwb I don't think it's the 9.20 version that's the problem—it still works fine for me, and the hash check passes so it's the right file.

CodisRedding commented 10 years ago

@lukesampson I did what you wrote, but the debug.txt file wasn't ever created.

CodisRedding commented 10 years ago

This Windows Installer app pops up everytime I run the command.

lukesampson commented 10 years ago

Oh thanks. I should have spotted it earlier—it wasn't handling the space in your user path properly. This should be fixed now if you run scoop update; scoop uninstall 7zip; scoop install 7zip.

I couldn't find any other similar problems with the space after some quick tests, but if you find any more please let us know!

Thanks :smile:

CodisRedding commented 10 years ago

wonderful, fixed! ty

lukesampson commented 10 years ago

Cool :smile: