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Indexer to maintain Scoop applications index
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Add Support for GitLab and Codeberg to Scoop Search #15

Open StarsbySea opened 1 year ago

StarsbySea commented 1 year ago

Hello Scoop maintainers,

I would like to suggest adding support for other code hosting platforms like GitLab and Codeberg to the Scoop Search functionality. This would help enrich the Scoop ecosystem by not limiting it to only GitHub (even though GitHub currently hosts the majority of Scoop Buckets).

I have gathered some search API endpoints for GitLab and Codeberg based on the ScoopInstaller.AzureFunctions/src/ScoopSearch.Functions/settings.json file. I hope this information will be helpful for the development, as I am not very proficient in C#.


API Document:

Note that accessing some endpoints may require authorization/authentication: curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

I hope you will consider adding support for these platforms to Scoop Search. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the project!

Best regards.

rashil2000 commented 1 year ago

I'm all in for adding support for multiple Git providers, but there seems to be an extremely low number of Scoop users on these platforms. A site-wide search for "scoop" returns only 4-5 repos, both on GitLab and on Codeberg,

gpailler commented 1 year ago

Supporting other hosting platforms is definitely on my radar. Thanks for the API endpoints, it will be a good starting point.