ScopeLift / endaoment

🍶An Interest Earning, Money Streaming, DeFi Enabled DAO
MIT License
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Setup frontend #13

Closed mds1 closed 4 years ago

mds1 commented 4 years ago


Contains initial frontend setup. Designed with a "factory" approach in mind, so when you go to the home page there is one "featured cause". Each thing called a "cause" is really one instance of an endaoment contract. (I'm open to alternative names if you don't like that one).

Currently in the app you can either:

  1. Click "Find Causes" in the header to view all endaoments
  2. Click the featured cause to view its "Cause Details" page
  3. Log in

The cause details page will (but does not currently) show details on current and past proposals as well as current and past streams. Eventually there should also be an area to create a new cause but that is not implemented yet. Also please feel free to suggest alternative copy on the home page.


Follow the steps below to make sure the app runs

  1. Create a file called .env with the following content:

    export BLOCKNATIVE_API_KEY=yourBlocknativeApiKey
    export INFURA_ID=yourInfuraId
  2. Install packages with npm install.

  3. Run the app with npm run dev.

mds1 commented 4 years ago

@apbendi Just pinging you as a reminder to check this out when you have time

apbendi commented 4 years ago

hey @mds1, it looks good, but I'm noticing an error in the JavaScript console when I click Login:

ConnectWallet.vue?f59c:77 Error: "dappId" is required
    at validateType (onboard-1b7eae0e.js?c58a:1495)
    at validateInit (onboard-1b7eae0e.js?c58a:1528)
    at init$1 (onboard-1b7eae0e.js?c58a:7443)
    at _callee$ (ConnectWallet.vue?f59c:64)
    at tryCatch (runtime.js?96cf:45)
    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (runtime.js?96cf:274)
    at Generator.prototype.<computed> [as next] (runtime.js?96cf:97)
    at asyncGeneratorStep (asyncToGenerator.js?fa84:5)
    at _next (asyncToGenerator.js?fa84:27)
    at eval (asyncToGenerator.js?fa84:34)


fix for this was to be sure to include export keyword in the .env file, since we're not using the dotenv package but sourcing the file it is required.