Scopevisio / eudgc

A totally free (Apache 2.0) implementation of the Covid Vaccination Certifcate parsing and validation (more accurately EuDGC) in Javascript/Typescript. This works completely on the client side if needed. Serverside is possible too of course.
23 stars 14 forks source link

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parse') #9

Open mitch85 opened 2 years ago

mitch85 commented 2 years ago

hi, i install typescript on nodejs and your example code with your example qr Code... `import { EuDgc, EuDgcCert, EuDgcVaccination} from 'eudgc' //let qrCode = "HC1...."; let qrCode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

try { let certificate = EuDgc.parse(qrCode); // .... } catch (error) { console.log("not a eudgc qrcode: " + error) }` got the output...

node server.js cose1.ts eudgc.ts EUDGC by Scopevisio AG not a eudgc qrcode: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'parse')

FezVrasta commented 2 years ago

Same error

Jo-Chris commented 2 years ago

same error, any solutions?