Scorpil / docker-rust

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Switch from jessie to testing to support newer packages #12

Open Susurrus opened 7 years ago

Susurrus commented 7 years ago

I'm using your images for running CI builds of my two rust crates and one of them fails because jessie is running such old packages. This would be fixed for me if instead of debian jessie you built on debian testing. If you'd be amenable to this I could write a PR for it for this repo.

Scorpil commented 7 years ago

I've had in mind to create seperate set of images based on alpine. Would it suit your needs?

Susurrus commented 7 years ago

It appears to support all the packages I need, but I don't know much about it. Obviously I'd prefer a system I already understand (like Debian or Fedora) rather than using a different once, but it should work, yes.