completed persist login functionlity that allows the user to stay logged in (i.e. go to dashboard directly) while the Auth token is still active. Changes made to:
Login/signup - to store user info in the indexedDB
build workout - to store updated info in the indexedDB
main landing - to check whether the user is still logged in; if yes, retrieve info from indexedDB and update redux store
auth - login function to include the window.assign('/')
workoutdetails - to implement more direct access approach to the workout routine
Nav - to ensure logout deletes info from indexedDB;
other bug fixes:
server JS - throw error when open AI does not come with data
build workout - insert the 'const response = await getOpenAIResponse(fitnessInfo);' in the try-catch block
completed persist login functionlity that allows the user to stay logged in (i.e. go to dashboard directly) while the Auth token is still active. Changes made to:
other bug fixes: