Scott-Morgan-Foundation / planning_and_integration

This repository contains documents and code associated with the Planning and Integration stream of work for the Scott Morgan Foundation
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Provide Peter with the ability to directly move his wheelchair himself #55

Open DiscoSteve opened 2 years ago

DiscoSteve commented 2 years ago

Currently there is no way for Peter to manipulate his wheelchair without external help from Francis, Andrew or carers - Peter cannot even rotate the wheelchair to compensate for his inability to rotate his head to look at different people/places. Whilst there is a longer term aspiration to create a 'Domestic Sat Nav' solution which would provide Peter with higher level control in moving around Highcliff, there is also a requirement for this more basic 'finetune' movement. This will require the following capabilities:

  1. Adapt eyetracking solution to be able to select 'MOVE' functions (alongside speech functions)
  2. Interface to the wheelchair to drive its movement functions - this could be as simple as physical actuators that grip the existing joystick or preferably direct integration into the electronic controllers on the chair
  3. It would need to ultimately support the future 'Domestic Sat Nav' aspiration