ScottHamper / Cookies

JavaScript Client-Side Cookie Manipulation Library
The Unlicense
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How can i update a cookie without resetting its expiry date #82

Open rayan-nativex opened 5 years ago

rayan-nativex commented 5 years ago

I want to be able to set an expiry date to the cookie and add some data to that cookie on certain events without resetting the expiry of it .. how can that be achieved using this library?

rayan-nativex commented 5 years ago

This is what I used in case someone is stuck at this point.. Please feel free to edit my solution .. or suggest other ones too.. And please support updating the cookie in this library as a request

// Helper function to set how many days to expire the cookie
       setExpiry = function(days){
            var minute = 60,
            second = 60,
            ms = days * day * minute * second,
            date = new Date();
            date.setTime(date.getTime()+(ms *1000));
            return { ms: ms, date: date.toUTCString()};

// use this function to set a cookie or override it .. note that this will override the expiry date
        setCookie = function(name,data,expiry) {
                // resetting the cookie
                Cookie.setJSON(name, {data: data, expires: this.setExpiry(expiry).date}, { expires: this.setExpiry(expiry).ms});
            // no expiry date
            Cookie.setJSON(name, data);

// use this function to update a cookie keeping the same expiry date
        updateCookie = function(name, data){
                var getCookie = this.getCookie(name);
                var today = new Date();
                var expiryDate = new Date(this.getCookie(name).expires);
                var timeDiff = Math.abs(today.getTime() - expiryDate.getTime());
                daysLeft = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
                this.setCookie(name, data, daysLeft);
            console.error('Update Failed! Cookie {'+ name +'} doesnt exist.');