ScottKillen / Bunyan

Minecraft Bunyan mod
4 stars 2 forks source link

Rotated Logs #10

Closed JojHeywood closed 11 years ago

JojHeywood commented 12 years ago

Long requested feature on the MCForum, a few mods do it but destroy crafting recipes for mods what use vanilla logs. (Some even forget to make the logs create Charcoal in a furnace, and destroy mods what require a vanilla log's ID to create items)

End Result: Placeable Rotated logs depending on position of the player which doesn't replace every log of a tree when regenerated in the world, only to destroy every tree in the world when the mod is removed.

ScottKillen commented 12 years ago

Gotta do this. *Also makes fallen trees possible in world gen.

123FLO321 commented 12 years ago

Great idea. And fallen trees would realy be cool.

ghost commented 12 years ago

We need this.

ScottKillen commented 12 years ago


ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

Recipe for log tuner is: ss s ss

Rotation is accomplished by right clicking the tool on different faces of the log.

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

Development screenhshot

jamsch0 commented 11 years ago

WIN. :D This looks really good, missed this when BetterBlocks died after Beta 1.7.3. Is the log turner going to work on the quarter logs as well? And would it be possible to rotate the quarter logs on all axis? As in, the way they sort of can already, and also in the same way the logs above can. That actually may require something like a crouch-click to rotate on one axis, and a normal click to rotate on another.

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

@toxicwolf Been thinking about that this morning. It wouldn't be complete if you couldn't. :D You will be able to rotate quarterlogs on all axes. (No pun intended!)

Also...since I'm all about mod compatibility...will include an API so other mods can implement as well.

jamsch0 commented 11 years ago

@ScottKillen Great! I'm really loving Bunyan and EBXL, and I like how much you listen to the community, it's nice :)

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

@toxicwolf I like the way the entire community responds... One of my biggest pet peaves is mods that don't work together. The API should allow mod developers to create their own rotating logs (independent of this mod!) with about 3-4 lines of code.

ImagineBaggins commented 11 years ago

Thank you so much for changing the color of the actual wood. In the past I felt like I was making planks out of bark.