ScottKillen / Bunyan

Minecraft Bunyan mod
4 stars 2 forks source link

Add bark harvesting and crafting #29

Closed ScottKillen closed 11 years ago

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

Commentary welcome.

jamsch0 commented 11 years ago


ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

Looking for suggestions on uses, harvesting process, recipes, value to the game, game balance, etc.

harley9699 commented 11 years ago

Easiest harvest---right-click axe? OR have to have Bunyan axe---be a use for that w/o it being OP.

Craft three vertically for a 'rope'=a ladder that doesn't need to be against a wall.

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

@harley9699 Ropes are planned as a part of #30. Bunyan's axe (#31) involvement sounds good.

One issue...due to a Minecraft render bug, the number of textures required for rotating logs is fairly large...I really don't want to have to implement rotating barkless logs as well. Any suggestions?

harley9699 commented 11 years ago

New sprite (they can all look the same bark). It's just bark pieces. :) (don't know about the ID block though)

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

So, stripping the bark would drop the bark item, but the logs would still have the same texture?

harley9699 commented 11 years ago

Yes. Then make the bark pcs into rope or ___ .

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

Do different kinds of bark make a difference?

harley9699 commented 11 years ago

Nah, too much extra work. UNLESS you're planning them for decoration, then people will whine ;)

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

lol...decorative bark...

harley9699 commented 11 years ago

Then, if you got a pelt from a wolf......(you know, to go with your 'bark') :)

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

ROFL...a complete set... LOL...;)

maruchan commented 11 years ago

That would be interesting, if you could use bark like paintings so you could re-decorate a single side of a log (say the outside of your house) without having to make the inside look different. As for the harvesting, I would suggest when you use whatever special harvesting tool you use, it drops a bark and 2 or 4 planks of that treetype, so that you don't have to deal with barkless logs.

Or, make bark into a form of fuel. You can harvest a log to give 2 bark and nothing else dropped, and the bark has a value of 4 or 6 full smelting, to a coal's 8.

Or turn it into a food? A weak food at best, something like heals 1.0 or 2.0 saturation (the invisible food bar) but no actual food, so you can eat it to keep from starving, but NOT to increase your hunger. Makes it into an easy-to-obtain early-game foodsource without late-game use except in exploring. Because you don't usually notice you're hungry until you've lost at least half a bar unless you stare at the food bar and watch for the shaking, so if it healed no visible bars, but healed the invisible food bars, it would keep you able to run/from starving/etc, while not helping you in the department of re-gaining your hearts back.

Or wait until 3.0 of EBXL and overwrite whatever code in EBXL will control the tool used to harvest the clay from clay-rich soil (if that gets implemented), and make it so using bark is the only way to obtain this tool, and have a lifespan like any other tool, so in order to harvest the clay/whatever you determine to do to change the vanilla uses of dirt, you need bark (if you have bunyan installed), and make it useful that way, so you have to harvest bark in order to harvest the clay/whatever else you use Galvani dirt for. Perhaps code a check into EBXL, If bunyan is installed, yada yada yada NEEDSBARK, if not, use default vanilla materials for tools.

I'll come back to this when it's not 12:30 at night, and think some more on it.

keybounce commented 11 years ago

So ideas for bark:

  1. Alternate source of paper.
  2. Fuel for furnaces (several pieces => one smelt.)
  3. Decorations.
ImagineBaggins commented 11 years ago

I second the idea of edible bark (saturation bar only).

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

By @Duck5200 here

I think i like the idea of bark you coulduse it to mabey in thin strips surround a painting or use it to make different coloured walls on either side I think the bark stripper should one spit out the bark and also spit out a shaved log so you can use it for decorating the bark could be re applied to the log so you can make a multi coloured log, the 2x2 bark might be cool too and be placed like a painting

keybounce commented 11 years ago

Anything that adds to the saturation bar without adding to hunger is too powerful.

The basic rule of minecraft hunger, simplified: Your food level ranges from 0 to 40. If it is under 18, you will not heal; if it is over 20, you cannot eat. Combat will consume food quickly, so you want to keep it as high as possible, and are limited by the "won't heal here" and "can't eat there" -- very tiny -- range.

As soon as you can add to saturation without limit, you are basically saying "Food will always be 40 after you're done eating" -- too powerful.

Annysia commented 11 years ago

For removal how about a bark stripper or chipper. Feed the log thru once to remove the bark and feed it thru a second time to turn the bark or log into mulch. Mulch being a block that could be placed like gravel or soil. It would be cool if the bark was different colors depending on the type of wood. Then the resulting bark and/or mulch would be a color to match it and could be used for making paths/roads or decoration. Bark could be used to make simple containers such as bowls or cups....or even a boat or pail. Maybe combined with rubber/resin to make it water tight. Bark could also be used to make paper, string or rope maybe using another tool.

maruchan commented 11 years ago

@Keybounce, i read it as more food will always be at 20 + whatever after eating. If you have half a bar of visible food, then it'll be at 21, not 40....

keybounce commented 11 years ago

i read it as more food will always be at 20 + whatever after eating. If you have half a bar of visible food, then it'll be at 21, not 40....

That will only happen if you have half a bar visible and full saturation.

Here is the issue: Food that gives you lots of main food, and little saturation, is relatively cheap and bad food. Melons, apples, etc. These food items normally have the problem that you won't have a lot of food, and will go below the "healing" point quickly if you get into combat.

The idea of bark adding to saturation, for free, means that you could say "I have just dropped from 20 hunger to 19 (10 shanks to 9.5 shanks). I'll eat 20 saturation worth of bark, and then top it off with a melon. Then I'm absolutely full."

You cannot get to absolutely full that easily normally. Even steak/Pork chops don't do that.

maruchan commented 11 years ago

i didn't even think of it in conjunction with other food you're right.

keybounce commented 11 years ago


How about "boiled bark" as a food? Bark plus water bucket => (crafting) "uncooked soaked bark" + empty bucket => (furnace) "Boiled bark".

Boiled bark would add to your food level, add zero to saturation, and give you food poisoning. You can eat it, to fill up, but you can't keep it all down, and are hungry after eating.

maruchan commented 11 years ago

too complicated combared to just finding some grass and getting rid of it to make bread. I don't think it would be utilized

keybounce commented 11 years ago

I don't think it would be used outside of "adventure" maps, actually. Imagine being stranded and having no food. Not even any tall grass ... until you find and kill a skeleton. Bark only until then.

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

Moved to ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL#105