ScottKillen / Bunyan

Minecraft Bunyan mod
4 stars 2 forks source link

Add log turner sound #35

Closed ScottKillen closed 11 years ago

stertingen commented 11 years ago

i think a new sound is not nessesary. the wood-placing-sound or the chest-open-sound would be suitable.

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

So, I struggle with this...would the sound get annoying, being repeated over and over?

Lambastificate commented 11 years ago

i think if it was going to be super annoying, the sound of repeatedly placing blocks in the world would get annoying too. It's not really annoying - I've kind of trained myself to basically tune out the sound of placement, so I can sort of build without devoting my full attention to the project, but I still rely on the sound (or lack thereof) to indicate I've encountered a problem and I need to break some plant that's in the way of my block. Especially if you make the log turner easier to use quickly on a long line of blocks - the sound will be a subconscious confirmation that everything is working right, and you don't have to pay super close attention to what you're doing. I'm not sure if I explained this mental concept very well, but that's about as good as I can summarize it. It's a satisfying sound.

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

Moved to ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL#109