ScottKillen / Bunyan

Minecraft Bunyan mod
4 stars 2 forks source link

cut fir drops #53

Closed bxattax closed 11 years ago

bxattax commented 11 years ago

When I cut down a fir the drop is invisible, but I can pick it up, and thru NEI I can tell the block id = 160:5 but the fir log id = 160:1 any ideas? I'm using extrabiomes 2.2.7 , bunyan 1.5 and nei 1.5. I also deleted extrabiomes folder when i updated from biomes 2.2.6 and bunyan 1.4

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you mean when you say you deleted folders, as that is not part of the installation procedures. It could mean that you have somehow derped your textures. This could also be caused by a texturepack that only has partial support for Bunyan. What tool did you use to chop down a tree?

I will leave this open for you to get the information listed below. After one week, I will close the issue if you have not provided the requested information.

Please provide:

bxattax commented 11 years ago

I apologize about lack of info. I should posted all 2 begin with. I believe the problem is with LcTees++. I've tried without it installed and no problem. However I've enver had a mod change anothers texture before. Here is session logs link The texture pack I'm using is pure BDcraft w/ addon packs for bunyan, extrabiome, and LcTrees++. All off I have tried with all axes and get an invisible (only way I know I have it is by number showing on Inventory) fir log. Unnamed block id = 106:5. The tree is visible just drop is not showing, which is weird seeing as drop is tree however when I place unnamed on ground out of inventory is stay invisible allowing sight thru ground. Block is there can get untop of it. I'm sorry I can't post screen I'm getting black screen every time i try to paste screen if I get to work will post.Thank you again.

ScottKillen commented 11 years ago

Ahh, I see. We don't change another mods textures. We don't use metadata 5 to define fir, so I am willing to bet that this is LCTrees acting up...Check the block ids in .minecraft/config/extrabiomes/bunyan.cfg I bet you won't find 106 there...but whichever config file does contain it...that is the epicenter.

The symptoms indicate that whichever texture pack you are using for the mod in question is not updated for the latest version.

I'm going to close this issue because I'm confident that this is not Bunyan, but if I am wrong, I'll gladly reopen it. thank you for reporting the issue!