ScottLangridge / Settle-Up-For-YNAB

Mark transactions in YNAB as split transactions by flagging them. This generates settle up transactions which pull in the splits from both budgets whenever you are ready to settle up.
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Add support for smarter splits using memo #3

Open ScottLangridge opened 10 months ago

ScottLangridge commented 10 months ago

Allow the user to have splits besides 50/50 by using memos.

I should be able to create splits such as: Split: 25/75 Split: £2.50/£7.50 My Split: 25% My Split: £2.50 Their Split: 75% Their Split: £7.50

(Where only my split or there split are given, other half is inferred)

ScottLangridge commented 1 month ago

A better way to represent them could be to match (£\d+(\.\d+)?|\d\d?%|x):(£\d+(\.\d+)?|\d\d?%|x)

This means on either side you can have a £value or a two digit % or an x. What's on the left will be your split, on the right will be theirs. An x is a value calculated by the tool.

E.g. £33:x x:25%