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Screen readers don't announce author's avatars #135

Closed jcarstairs-scottlogic closed 10 months ago

jcarstairs-scottlogic commented 10 months ago

Previously, screen readers were announcing author's avatars. This was a problem, because the avatars are not informative and are just noise to screen reader users, and because it meant the author's name was getting announced twice, which could be frustrating to users.

In particular, there are two places where author's avatars appear. One is at the top of their own author page.

Colin Eberhardt's author page

Previously, this was being announced (on NVDA + Firefox) as:

graphic Colin Eberhardt Blog heading level 2 Colin Eberhardt

After this PR, it'll be announced as:

Blog heading level 2 Colin Eberhardt

Likewise, the author avatar also appears in blog post index entries, underneath the excerpt.

Colin Eberhardt's avatar and name underneath a blog excerpt

Previously, this was announced as:

graphic Colin Eberhardt link Colin Eberhardt 18 T. H. October 2023

Now, it is announced as:

link Colin Eberhardt 18 T. H. October 2023