ScottLogic / prompt-injection

Application which investigates defensive measures against prompt injection attacks on an LLM, with a focus on the exposure of external tools.
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Investigate why Q&A bot will not find all hits in documents #902

Closed chriswilty closed 2 months ago

chriswilty commented 2 months ago

Our Q&A bot searches the documents of the current level for answers, when the user asks a question. However, it is proving to be almost impossible to retrieve all the information a user wants in a single chat.

For example:

We need to investigate what's going on here, because if we cannot retrieve all the information we are looking for without any defences enabled, then Sandbox level will prove to be a frustrating experience.

Places to start:

Stick a load more logging in place to begin with, and see what each bot chat or tool call returns.

Acceptance Criteria GIVEN I am on Sandbox level AND no defences are enabled WHEN I ask the bot for salaries of all known employees THEN all nine entries from file backend/resources/documents/common/management_info.csv are given in the chat response

As bot responses are non-deterministic, you might need to check this a few times to see if you can get it to reveal all nine salaries. An alternative might be to ask it for the names of all employees, to see if it returns them all, and then to ask for the salaries of each of those.

chriswilty commented 2 months ago

Found the cause: the function to produce a Retriever from a VectorStore takes a parameter k corresponding to the number of documents to include in search context. See VectorStore.asRetriever.

As we have very few documents in SpyLogic, it is ok to include them all (for the current level) in the context. Note that if we had a more real-world number of documents in our VectorStore, we would probably want to use a different strategy such as Contextual Compression or MRL.

chriswilty commented 2 months ago

Test evidence:
