ScottPeterJohnson / purelymail-issues

Issues repository for the Purelymail email service.
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Sieve-Roundcube encoding mismatch #196

Open terba opened 6 months ago

terba commented 6 months ago

I have a folder named Család. I edited my sieve script via ManageSieve protocol remotely. If I used fileinto "Csal&AOE-d"; in the sieve script it created a folder named Csal&AOE-d and put the filtered message there. In Roundcube the filter looked okay in the filter editor, the folder name was shown as Család. Then I changed my script over ManageSieve to fileinto "Család"; and filtering works like it should, but the Roundcube editor shows only Csald. I think the Roundcube sieve plugin's encoding or escaping setting does not match the server sieve encoding/escaping setting. Or something like that.