ScottishCovidResponse / SCRCIssueTracking

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Identify/Upload sources of model data on data repository #656

Closed peter-t-fox closed 4 years ago

peter-t-fox commented 4 years ago

For each data item identified in #437 as being sourced from the SCRC data pipeline, we need the following information:

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

Heads up @thibaud-porphyre @peter-t-fox - the "Covid19_EERAModel" label was applied to this issue.

kzscisoft commented 4 years ago


Data sets

Identifier Description SCRC Remote Address Comment
cfr_byage Case Fatality Ratio by age group
scot_age Proportion of population in each age group, by health board
(Includes HCW implicitly)
scot_data Timeseries of observed disease cases, by health board
Also stores population of health board
scot_data Timeseries of observed disease deaths, by health board
Also stores population of health board
waifw_home Age mixing matrix (home only)
waifw_norm Age mixing matrix (All contact included)
waifw_sdist Age mixing matrix (excludes school and work contact - social distancing)

Parameters.ini: [Priors settings]

Prior identifier Description SCRC Remote Address Comment
pinf Probability of infection (non-HCW) DataRepository/SCRC/human/infection/SARS-CoV-2/symptom-probability/0.1.0.toml Value is a point-estimate as opposed to required Beta distribution. No distinction between HCW/non-HCW.
phcw Probability of infection (HCW) DataRepository/SCRC/human/infection/SARS-CoV-2/symptom-probability/0.1.0.toml Value is a point-estimate as opposed to required Beta distribution. No distinction between HCW/non-HCW.
chcw Mean number of HCW-patient contacts per day
d Proportion of population observing social distancing
q Proportion of contacts made by self-isolaters
ps Age-dependent probability of developing symptoms
rrd Risk of death if not hospitalised
lambda Background transmission rate

Parameters.ini: [Fixed parameters]

Parameter identifier Description SCRC Remote Address Comment
totN_hcw Total population of HCW
day_shut Point in observations where lockdown starts
T_lat Mean latent period DataRepository/SCRC/human/infection/SARS-CoV-2/latent-period/0.1.0.toml Value is 123.12 in remote data vs our 4 suggesting different units?
juvp_s Probability of juvenile developing symptoms
T_inf Mean asymptomatic period DataRepository/master/SCRC/human/infection/SARS-CoV-2/asymptomatic-period/0.1.0.toml Value is 192 in remote data vs our 1.5 suggesting different units?
T_rec Mean time to recovery if infection is symptomatic
T_sym Mean symptomatic period prior to hospitalisation
T_hos Mean hospitalisation duration
K Bed capacity for Covid19 patients
inf_asym reduction factor of infectiousness for asymptomatic infectious individuals
kzscisoft commented 4 years ago

UPDATE: Due to there currently being very little overlap between what is available on the registry and what we require, this issue now consists of the following:

peter-t-fox commented 4 years ago

Situation has ben clarified: data are now available on the repository.