ScrapeGraphAI / Scrapegraph-ai

Python scraper based on AI
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Default Prompt template customization #421

Open salman-khandu opened 6 days ago

salman-khandu commented 6 days ago

Is there any way to customize prompt template ? Default prompt template i see is used from file.

VinciGit00 commented 6 days ago

No, tell me an use case for this

salman-khandu commented 6 days ago

if user has some better prompt to define rather then rely on default one. Also what problem i have seen is there are some time i see response truncation so instead of returning json. can be return compress response and later we later transformed response. I observed cases where response is truncated even if see request body that pass to openai still has whole list but some of data truncated

VinciGit00 commented 6 days ago

hi, Im adding a way for additional informations, creating custom prompt it is too dangerous