ScratMan / HASmartThermostat

Smart Thermostat with PID controller for HomeAssistant
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Invert Target and Current Temp doesn't work #142

Closed nakedfoot closed 1 year ago

nakedfoot commented 1 year ago

When you select "swap target with current temp", you presume that the current temp will be on the middle and the target temp below. But actually, the current temp is displayed in the middle of the thermostat, but the target temp is not displayed anymore. Current temp is displayed twice.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to config panel
  2. Click on "swap target with current temp"
  3. Save
  4. See error

Expected behavior : The current and target temps are literally swapped with this param.

before clic on the swap button, 15,8°C real, target 9°C (vacation home, not in there every week) :

Capture d’écran 2023-03-20 à 23 58 42

after clic 15,8°C everywhere :

Capture d’écran 2023-03-20 à 23 59 01

Could you fix it please (or tell me what to do) ? Thx.

nakedfoot commented 1 year ago

error, not the good place. sorry