ScratMan / HASmartThermostat

Smart Thermostat with PID controller for HomeAssistant
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Support multiple heater/cooler entities and valve ranges other than 0-100% #192

Closed mairas closed 2 months ago

mairas commented 7 months ago

Multiple heater or cooler entity ids can be configured if for example you want to control a room with multiple radiators with smart TRVs. Similarly, a custom output range can be defined to support valves with control range other than 0-100%. For example, Eurotronic Spirit TRVs have a valve control range of 0-99 (really!).

I also updated README to reflect new functionality and to clarify some issues that confused me at first.

muchasuerte commented 3 months ago

this update is very interesting, should be merged even if I don't know if could generate some backward incompatibility

ScratMan commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the contribution. I cherry-picked some code to merge it with a simplification/cleanup I already prepared. Applied in v2024.4.0-beta1