ScratMan / HASmartThermostat

Smart Thermostat with PID controller for HomeAssistant
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Parameters cannot be changed retrospectively (away_temp, sleep_temp; home_temp; eco_Themp) #205

Closed LHBL2003 closed 4 months ago

LHBL2003 commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug The parameters (away_temp, sleep_temp; home_temp; eco_Themp) can no longer be subsequently adjusted. Unless you assign a new unique_id, which is not expedient.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a smart_thermostat
  - platform: smart_thermostat
    name: DG - Fußbodenheizung - HASmartThermostat
    unique_id: DG-Fussbodenheizung-HASmartThermostat_Test
    heater: switch.eltako_gw1_00_00_00_50
    target_sensor: sensor.hm_tc_it_wm_w_eu_oeq1668843_temperatur
    outdoor_sensor: sensor.heizgeraet1_aussentemperatur
    min_temp: 5
    max_temp: 24
    ac_mode: False
    target_temp: 21.0
      seconds: 300
    away_temp: 20.0
    sleep_temp: 20
    home_temp: 21.0
    eco_temp: 18
    kp: 100
    ki: 0.0
    kd: 0.0
    ke: 0.5
    pwm: 00:15:00
    min_cycle_duration: 180
    min_off_cycle_duration: 180
    target_temp_step: 0.1
    precision: 0.1

2 . Restart HA 3 After this has been created, change the values for *.temp e.g. eco_temp: 5

  1. Restart HA
  2. Change the mode in the visualization.

Result The value is not changed as specified in the configuration.

Expected behavior The setpoint should be adjusted to the value from the configuration.


The value from the config is not used. Even if the parameter is commented out, the mode is still suggested.


The value is only accepted if the unique_id is manipulated.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Deleting and recreating the entity does not help either.

At first I thought it was a mistake on my part, but now I think it's a bug. This discussion is therefore rather superfluous.

ScratMan commented 4 months ago

That's not a bug, it's a feature. The values in YAML are only used at first start or after crashing or cleaning of the HA recorder database. Once HA is running, please use the services to adjust preset temperatures or PID gains.

This has been added a while ago so the users can easily adjust the preset temperatures and gains without requiring to reboot HA.

LHBL2003 commented 4 months ago


I have already searched for setting options under Devices and Entities. And now again. But I can't find this anywhere. Can you help me to find it. Via a picture or directions?

ScratMan commented 4 months ago

Follow the link button : Open your Home Assistant instance and show your service developer tools.

LHBL2003 commented 4 months ago

Oh man, I would never have guessed that. I went to devices and services. And searched up and down in the entity. :D That's very hidden. I've learnt something new again. Thank you.

LHBL2003 commented 4 months ago

Thank you, that worked perfectly. Even if it is quite hidden.