Open micahlt opened 4 years ago
We can use some of the code from @locness3’s embed profile viewer
It depends on the stack of the app. My thing is pure JS, while here Ionic Framework will maybe be used.
@locness3 Isn't Ionic just style and DOM?
Well, if I'm not wrong it's in typescript, and even though it is a bunch of script and style, like everything it's a tech stack by itself. If you want a way to do native like apps without learning a new stack, you light wanna try Onsen Ui.
For anyone who wishes to contribute, we've got user page UI designs in this Figma file.
How would you get the dominant color from the profile pictures in pure JS?
I would suggest the Vibrant.js library.
Make sure to use this version then
Viewing profile pages is a must-have for SC4 Mobile. High-priority, help wanted.