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Framework to use? #3

Open prail opened 6 years ago

prail commented 6 years ago

Are we planning on rolling our own or using a pre-existing framework? More specifically in the area of CSS/HTML. I reccommend Materialize CSS. Because I have a small amount of experience with it. But if any of you have experience with Bootstrap I'll try to learn as I go.

csf30816 commented 6 years ago

I have no experience with bootstrap. I have used MDL if that is like Materialize CSS. Usually I just make my own templates.

prail commented 6 years ago

@csf30816 So roll our own? I have a tiny CSS grid framework I made that we can use. If that would be fine.

prail commented 6 years ago

@WorldLanguages @GreenBayRules can you two give us an idea on what you'd like to use?

Sheshank-s commented 6 years ago

I usually just use my own.

csf30816 commented 6 years ago

@ateesdalejr What do you think of this: it's basic but it uses flex :)

prail commented 6 years ago

@csf30816 that looks really nice. Why don't we use that as a sort of theme? Maybe with some sort of static site generator that we could write ourselves. I'd prefer Python because handling files with it is really easy. All of the pages could use markdown and we could use that one page as sort of a template.