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add python 3.12 support #114

Closed bandophahita closed 10 months ago

bandophahita commented 10 months ago

python 3.12 released this month. We need to add 3.12 to the mix of tests, etc.

bandophahita commented 10 months ago

Looks like we have a problem with Silently not detecting the fact they are instances of the Describable protocol

========================================================== FAILURES ==========================================================
___________________________________________ TestSilently.test_implements_protocol ____________________________________________

self = <test_actions.TestSilently object at 0x104e5f5f0>

    def test_implements_protocol(self) -> None:
        q1 = SilentlyAnswerable(FakeQuestion())
        q2 = SilentlyPerformable(FakeAction())
        q3 = SilentlyResolvable(FakeResolution())
        # Debug().perform_as(None)
        assert isinstance(q1, Answerable)
        assert isinstance(q2, Performable)
        assert isinstance(q3, Resolvable)
>       assert isinstance(q1, Describable)
E       assert False
E        +  where False = isinstance(<screenpy.actions.silently.SilentlyAnswerable object at 0x1055980e0>, Describable)

tests/ AssertionError
================================================== short test summary info ===================================================
FAILED tests/ - assert False
bandophahita commented 10 months ago

isinstance() checks against runtime-checkable protocols now use inspect.getattr_static() rather than hasattr() to lookup whether attributes exist. This means that descriptors and getattr() methods are no longer unexpectedly evaluated during isinstance() checks against runtime-checkable protocols. However, it may also mean that some objects which used to be considered instances of a runtime-checkable protocol may no longer be considered instances of that protocol on Python 3.12+, and vice versa. Most users are unlikely to be affected by this change. (Contributed by Alex Waygood in gh-102433.)

bandophahita commented 10 months ago

This looks like it cannot be solved simply by updating the fake objects. The problem is isinstance will no longer work to identify the SilentlyMixin subclasses as belonging to protocols via the __getattr__ method.

Put another way; adding the method to FakeQuestion works but SilentlyAnswerable(FakeQuestion()) does not

def get_mock_question_class() -> Any:
    class FakeQuestion(Question):
        def __new__(cls, *_, **__):
            rt = mock.create_autospec(FakeQuestion, instance=True)
            rt.describe.return_value = "FakeQuestion"
            rt.answered_by.return_value = True
            return rt

        def describe(self) -> str:
            return ""

    return FakeQuestion

This is because SilentlyMixin does a poor job of "masquerading" as the original object. The new isinstance doesn't "see" the methods of the duck object underneath.

bandophahita commented 10 months ago

One idea would be to include the describe method on SilentlyPerformable, SilentlyAnswerable, and SilentlyResolvable but that only fixes the problem for isinstance(q1, Describable).

The whole point of the SilentlyMixin was to help any class wrapped in Silently to still act and behave like the original class; this includes instance checks.

bandophahita commented 10 months ago

A coworker helped me realize we can just wrap the (protocol) methods at runtime. This eliminates any need to create a whole new class.