## Description
### What steps will reproduce the problem?
Once I start my uploading progress. The internal problem just came out easily, but I have no idea what the problem is.
### Traceback
Test Body - vsfzbgdjuy
Name: fadyfaddoul
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Maybe babel can help us get a good syntax error, not sure.
/bounty $15
Thank you to all those who have successfully merged PRs in Nov. The following list is sorted in an alphabetical order.
- [ ] [Adityayxt](https://github.com/Adityayxt)
- #5910
- [ ] [jzhupup](h…
const val minAndroidSdk = 22
const val compileSdk = 33
const val targetSdk = 30
api ("io.github.sinaweibosdk:core:13.10.5@aar")
![Uploading 20241115100750.jpg……
![截屏2024-11-15 10 09 43](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/fc625470-9ad1-41eb-b51d-ba7c44bd737a)