Scrut1ny / Malwarebytes-Premium-Bypass

Confuse Malwarebytes
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Permanent Premium #28

Open heavyutils opened 3 months ago

heavyutils commented 3 months ago

Can it be made to confuse Malwarebytes into having real Premium, not just trial? So you don't need to run this script every 2 weeks.

Because I'm almost sure it's possible to trick it into it somehow just like it is with Sublime Text and especially Office.

Scrut1ny commented 3 months ago

Maybe, I have no clue. I know though if you spoof your machine GUID to someone who has a active paid for subscription then you could technically obtain it maybe. Also the script auto runs its self every 2 weeks, you don't have to worry about manually doing it. More research is required and testing is required, get to digging and attempt to find a solution. Currently I'm going to be very busy so I can't do anything personally.

astorcito commented 2 months ago

malwa1 malwa I have a problem with the SAA Malwarebytes-premium.exe. when I run I get this error and every two weeks I need to run the .bat and after repair the trial installation. this file it's on program files (without x86) and that's is why it dont find it. my Pc its a win 10 x64.

Maybe the easiest it's to uninstall and reinstall it in the program files x86 folder? or have a way to take out the x86 path in the SSA.exe?

after running the SAA Malwarebytes-premium.exe the malwarebytes program cant run. when I reinstall it I have the option to the trial for more 14 days. I uninstall completly and reinstall and have the same issue. with the .bat work fine but I need to do all this every 14 days. look like the task in the register have a problem. could you suggest me something to fix this issue, please? have I to run .ps1 file before the bat? how I do that? sorry I'm not very advanced in scripts knoledge. what I did is:

1 install malwarebytes premium from the site and install it 2 quite it 3 run the SAA and or the .bat 4 as the malwarebyes dont ru any more I have to reinstall it> start the trial> and repeat all every 14 days

can't find how to run the ps1 part of the reseter
IF you could guide me with the use of the powershell to run the ps1 I appreciate

AmmarSAA commented 2 months ago

I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I'm really busy these days, so I can't look into it rightnow, but I'll try to update the .exe as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can use the .bat version to get premium access by resetting the trial. Let me know if you need further assistance.

Pro Tip: You can watch the video embedded in for guidance with .bat script.

astorcito commented 1 month ago

I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I'm really busy these days, so I can't look into it rightnow, but I'll try to update the .exe as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can use the .bat version to get premium access by resetting the trial. Let me know if you need further assistance.

Pro Tip: You can watch the video embedded in for guidance with .bat script.

Salam Aleikum Ahmad, Thank you for your quick reply, I will wait no problem, please let me know when it's ready. Maybe it's not a failure may be it's only a x64 version with the path at program file and not to program file (x86).

I have some suggestions:

1 uninstall malwarebytes and force to install it in the program files (x86) 2 edit the SAA .exe (but I don't know how to extract the script) 3 try to run the ps1 that look install the automatic part of the reseter (I don't know how to run the powershell script as administrator)

If you find any of this a good idea and could guide me to realize I could try. if not I will wait and will run the bat every 14 days. your reseter it's very usefull.

Note: I read the but I don't have the knowledge to do this part:


If you get a UnauthorizedAccess error when attempting to run the .ps1 file you must change your execution policy.
Run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force before running the .ps1 file.


could you tell me where I could find the step by step?

AmmarSAA commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your love 🩵🩵🩵. Believe me appreciation means a lot.

I just wanted to confirm whether or not you have windows defender disabled or not. If not kindly disable windows defender and redownload and re-execute exe version. If you get errors try running .bat script after getting its fresh copy from repo.

And as for the update, it will be coming in the mid of August. (I hope so and will try my best)

Try watching this tutorial by @Scrut1ny:

Mobbarley28 commented 1 month ago

Malwarebytes wont start anymore after using the script.

astorcito commented 1 month ago

Malwarebytes wont start anymore after using the script.

exactly, what I do , I reinstall malwarebytes and it restart. but you have to run the script every 14 days. the automatic don't work.

firebirdjsb commented 1 month ago

for anyone that is having issues with Mbam not restarting after the script is used

please use in the advanced tab there is a clean install button it gets rid of everything mbam and then it should ask to reinstall mbam if the reinstall doesn't work from that app just use the normal installer from the website after that it should re open and ask to start the trial very annoying if it happens but i too dont have much time right now

also the logs that get printed out for the support tool too im pritty sure bypasses Admin and does priv escalation because the logs show it goes from admin to SYSTEM

astorcito commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your love 🩵🩵🩵. Believe me appreciation means a lot.

I just wanted to confirm whether or not you have windows defender disabled or not. If not kindly disable windows defender and redownload and re-execute exe version. If you get errors try running .bat script after getting its fresh copy from repo.

And as for the update, it will be coming in the mid of August. (I hope so and will try my best)

Try watching this tutorial by @Scrut1ny:

Salam Aleikum Ammar:

You have tell me that you're really bussy and I understand and apologize in advance.

I only want to ask if you could tell me if It's a easy way to redirect the path in the bat script in lines 34 and 67 to look in Program Files folder and not in Program Files (x86) cause mbam.exe and malwarebytes_assistant.exe in win 64 version are located in Program Files and for any reason the script only check in the ProgramFiles (x86) and, of course, don't find it.

something in the syntax that I could edit? "%ProgramFiles%\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\malwarebytes_assistant.exe" "%ProgramFiles%\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbam.exe"

I don't know nothing about syntax but maybe if I change
%ProgramFiles%\Malwarebytes for %ProgramFiles\Malwarebytes it will go to the right place?

or you suggest me to unistall malwarebyes and try to force it to install in the Program Files (x86)?

I'm trying to fix the problem by my self to don't take much time of your work.

In windows 64 I have both folders .

Thank you very much.

AmmarSAA commented 1 month ago

وعلیکم السلام،

Please unzip the file to access the updated version. After running it, I would appreciate your feedback on the results.

P.S: Also check in Task Scheduler that if Malwarebytes-Premium-Reset is being made or not.

astorcito commented 1 month ago

وعلیکم السلام،

Please unzip the file to access the updated version. After running it, I would appreciate your feedback on the results.

P.S: Also check in Task Scheduler that if Malwarebytes-Premium-Reset is being made or not.

Salam Aleikum my friend:

here the error that I get with the original .bat NOT the last one ( I don't try the new one before you read my message)

malwa1 malwa

1) I sow what you modify but the situation it's the oposit. the mbam.exe it's in the Program Folder without (x86), in the Program Folder (x86) malwarebytes nothting is installed.

program file

2) Before try the new version. I did a check in the task scheduler and the Malwarebytes-Premium-Reset it's there.

I'm sending you both print screens to you. If you think I have to run the new version bat, I will run. Maybe I could do a try to force Malwarebyte to install in the Program Files (x86) ?

hope I don't taking too much time of your work.


AmmarSAA commented 1 month ago

Open Task Scheduler, Provide screenshot of last Run Status. Trigger the task and then provide the last run status again.

astorcito commented 1 month ago

hope I did what you ask: 1) take an screen shot 2) run the task 3) take an screenshot of the history

I made a change in the task from win 7 server 2008 to win 10

last run1

last run 2

GoldenFroze commented 1 month ago

Malwarebytes wont start anymore after using the script.

just restart the pc it will work

AmmarSAA commented 1 month ago

@astorcito, As it says operation completed successfully, I believe upon opening Malwarebytes you'll be now seeing screen to activate premium trial. So, open MalwareBytes and press activate premium trial button

astorcito commented 1 month ago

@astorcito, As it says operation completed successfully, I believe upon opening Malwarebytes you'll be now seeing screen to activate premium trial. So, open MalwareBytes and press activate premium trial button

No, it still showing the days until the 14 days originally (today 7 days) . to reset I have to run the script, reinstall Malwarebytes and activate the trial every 14 days. I will see if now it change automatically in 7 days. if not I will try to force the install in the program files (x86). to see if something change.

Thank you for your help.

astorcito commented 1 month ago

@astorcito, As it says operation completed successfully, I believe upon opening Malwarebytes you'll be now seeing screen to activate premium trial. So, open MalwareBytes and press activate premium trial button


today was the day 14 of the trial, then I try to force tu uninstal Malwarebytes and reinstall in the Program Files (x86) folder but it don't let me do that it say Invalid folder (the only folder that work it's program files) the .exe still looking for the files on the program files (x86). Then I try to edit the exe to change the path but I don't find how, I install restuner but don't find nothing more than the icon, it look difficult to edit an .exe it's more than what I know.

I don't know why the SAA MalwareBytes Premium.exe look for files on the wrong path.

malwa1 malwa

Then for now the only way it's to run the .bat and reinstall the MBSetup.exe every 14 days.

Scrut1ny commented 1 month ago

the SAA MalwareBytes Premium.exe is most likely out dated, I have no idea though. Just use the damn batch file, it works best. If the file path changes for the program then its easy to fix.

AmmarSAA commented 1 month ago

New version for SAA MalwareBytes Premium.exe will be live soon, for now I've removed it so that confusion can be avoided.

astorcito commented 2 weeks ago

New version for SAA MalwareBytes Premium.exe will be live soon, for now I've removed it so that confusion can be avoided.

Nice new, Thanks for now I reinstall all manually every 14 days :) the only part don't work it's the automatic renew every 13 days.