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"Bloated brain" concept as it applies to tech work #94

Open aesmithwriting opened 5 years ago

aesmithwriting commented 5 years ago

Here's a quote from a sports psychologist about this: "When too much data accumulates, it slows down the mind and prevents you from remaining in the zone. This concept is called bloated brainbecause it's similar to how your body reacts when you overeat. After a big meal, your body feels tired and has to work extra hard to digest all of the food you just ate. When your mind becomes bloated with an excess of data, you're no longer able to access your highest levels of knowledge. This issue is subtle and is hard for players to identify. They feel tiread and assume that it's a consquence of playing a lot. However,if they do a proper cool-down and feel less tired, bloated brain -- rather than fatigue -- emerges as the real problem"

Solutions for bloated brain/clearing mental space

shuttle1987 commented 5 years ago

I should get some more information down on paper about this, including references to psychological research sources, learning studies, etc

shuttle1987 commented 4 years ago

I think I have to make this a high priority just for my own mental clarity reasons