ScudLee / anime-lists

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[General question] About anime-movieset-list.xml #327

Open hergonoway opened 4 years ago

hergonoway commented 4 years ago


sorry beforehand if it's already stated somewhere, I can't find a clear restriction or not about that : : in anime-movieset-list.xml, do groups created in this list has to contain at least an OAV or a Movie ? Seems a bit odd to ask but since the term "movie" is in the filename I wanted to ask, just to be clear, and because this list is used (with else) for grouping purpose in Hama.

I'm asking in case I'd like one day create a group composed exclusively of TV Series (not in an existing group in that list but with an explicit relationship like prequel sequel) where there's no OVA nor movie existing.

My question is really trivial, it doesn't ask if a group of TV series is a legitimate group or not, or any other good practice about what to group or not, it's really about movie and OVA as it is.

ScudLee commented 4 years ago

On the Kodi side of things (for which the list was originally written for) the list is only used by the movie scraper, and that scraper treats the anidb entry as a single entity (ignoring any "episode" listings). So it only makes sense [for Kodi] that the list only contains single movies, or one-shot OVAs, or TV specials, since no-one would use the movie scraper for anything with multiple episodes, like a TV series, anyway.

That said, since Kodi is effectively ignoring the TV grouping side of things, if someone wants to expand it in that direction for Plex/Hama or whatever, it certainly wouldn't interfere. Although, I'd maybe question the maintainability of such a list, since ideally it would eventually cover all groupable titles.

Perhaps submit such groupings as a separate list "anime-tvset-list.xml" and see if Hama would expand to check for that file too? That way there would be no confusion of purpose between the two lists (and the tv list would be completely ignored by Kodi). I'd be fine with that. Wouldn't even need to make a new xsl file to maintain it, just re-use update-anime-movieset-list.xsl, and duplicate the last line of generate-lists.(bat|groovy|sh) but using the tvset xml filename instead.

hergonoway commented 4 years ago

@ScudLee : thanks for the insight, now I understand a bit more the legacy behind the title and the file.

I you may, I've got 2 questions :