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Web interface to the SeaGL 2021 virtual conference
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Deployment #3

Open AndrewKvalheim opened 2 years ago

AndrewKvalheim commented 2 years ago

Automate deployment from the main branch to

The manual process is:

# Build static site

# Deploy static site
aws s3 sync --acl 'public-read' --delete './dist/' "s3://$AWS_S3_BUCKET/"
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id "$AWS_CF_DISTRIBUTION" --paths '/*'
strugee commented 7 months ago

Any reason we can't just deploy this to GitHub Pages instead of CloudFront?

AndrewKvalheim commented 7 months ago

Nope, that should work fine. In 2020 when I started this S3 was just the solution I was most familiar with and the repository wasn’t even on GitHub. I still haven’t read much about GitHub Actions and still know GitHub Pages only as a Jekyll host.