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Policies, procedures, files, notes, and other things necessary for and related to organizing the Seattle GNU/Linux conference.
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Define Moderation / CoC Adherence Strategies for this year #167

Open koronkowy opened 2 years ago

koronkowy commented 2 years ago

One of the documentation tasks involves documenting moderation which aligns with the CoC. At some point, it would be a good idea to define moderation strategies for this year's tech and how to triage. Historically, I believe it fell on one person alone.

My suggestion is that we create a triage room for staff to pop into and discuss any problems as they occur. And strategizing how to give folks in this triage the ability to ban/remove problematic activity or accounts as needed.

But I am open to ideas on this. I know there's no CoC folks right now, so anyone who can help would be great.

koronkowy commented 2 years ago Probably an agenda item for this if it does form.

altsalt commented 2 years ago

Generally speaking we have an email address that goes to a few folks designated for that year. There's also a phone number for one person. That said, we didn't really update things for virtual and you're totally right that we should write this down.

koronkowy commented 2 years ago

Spoke with the tech folks today and got some more info on how moderation on the platforms is going to work this year.

There will be no chat on things like youtube, twitch, etc. which is great.

Maybe a critical triage channel will be made for any server based abuse. Some people key people with the perms to do so will have the ability to triage server-based abuse vs. CoC. type abuse (Ex. flooding, or server bombing). @sntxrr's experience with seattlematrix will be very valuable here this exists in official matrix docs but this apparently changes semi regularly?

there may or may not be bots involved to solve or manage these things being developed by tech

Hopefully this can be sussed out so we can create docs for this for volunteers who will be moderating in rooms

altsalt commented 2 years ago

Thoughts on these names: #SeaGL-abuse, #SeaGL-response, #SeaGL-admin, ???

koronkowy commented 2 years ago

SeaGL-Triage would be good. Sometimes using the word -abuse is a bit troubling for folks, and the English language is beautifully varied so we can side step these things.

The idea here being moderators + people in @SeaGL/tech who can manage tech-abuse like server flooding. And CoC-based abuse. Anyone with the permission level to ban/kick/mute. We discussed having a clear on anyone in this to have understood accepted and read over/talked about what defines abuse. Ideally if someone is perm'd to do those actions, they're trained in CoC violations and whatnot, but anyone is welcome to recuse themselves if they will be too busy or feel like they are not a good fit for the responsibility (and still have those perms.) Kind of like exit-row opt in / verification accepting the task in flying.

I expect this channel to be quiet and used for pinging involved folks in situations that are emerging.

If a bot comes to fruition, maybe the output goes here.

koronkowy commented 2 years ago

For posterity, here's a link to the CoC as is:

altsalt commented 2 years ago

Love it, now exists!

koronkowy commented 2 years ago this PR includes some updated verbiage to CoC that I think makes it more robust

koronkowy commented 2 years ago

Added CoC updates to the agenda next all hands, hopefully to wrap that up next week so we have a clear foundation for writing and forming moderation documentation / tech needs to pull that off.

koronkowy commented 2 years ago

We spun up a CoC committee and met today. Process on this is happening!

Thanks to @rachelkelly @sntxrr @dorian-wood @koronkowy @altsalt and anyone who put eyes on the CoC too.