SeaGL / organization

Policies, procedures, files, notes, and other things necessary for and related to organizing the Seattle GNU/Linux conference.
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Fix `NO FILE` OSEM migrations being up #270

Closed strugee closed 2 years ago

strugee commented 2 years ago

Logs from the switchover:

$ dokku run osem bin/postdeploy ``` + cat + cat + cat + rake db:migrate:status jobs:clear data:drop_all_ahoy_events data:set_conference_in_versions I, [2022-06-17T02:10:32.692077 #205] INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [5.1.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details database: osem Status Migration ID Migration Name -------------------------------------------------- up 20121223110942 Devise create users up 20121223115038 Create conferences table up 20121223115106 Create people table up 20121223115117 Create rooms table up 20121223115125 Create tracks table up 20121223115135 Create events table up 20121223120413 Create event types up 20121223122307 Create event people table up 20121223122842 Create venue table up 20121223135240 Create roles table up 20121223135447 User roles table up 20121224144728 Create cfp table up 20130103134212 Create registrations table up 20130104142209 Create comments up 20130104142839 Acts as commentable upgrade migration up 20130105115603 Create event attachments table up 20130107112833 Add registration dates to conferences table up 20130107113653 Remove cfp and reg booleans from conferences up 20130107114930 Create versions up 20130113105652 Create email table up 20130113132225 Add subjects to email settings up 20130117130949 Add logo to conferences table up 20130120104029 Change arrival registrations date to datetime up 20130131100257 Add minimum and maximum abstract lengths to event types up 20130202091022 Add dietary choice to conferences up 20130202091051 Create dietary choices table up 20130202091229 Add dietary choice to registration up 20130202093137 Add dietary text to registration up 20130202102024 Add handicapped access to registrations up 20130202130737 Create supporter level table up 20130202130923 Create table supporter registrations up 20130202131932 Add use supporter levels to conferences up 20130206192339 Rename attending social events with partner up 20130211170728 Add irc nick to people table up 20130216070725 Create social events table up 20130216120112 Create registrations social events table up 20130216122155 Set registration defaults to false up 20130216122417 Add special needs field to registrations up 20130515125823 Change attachment default up 20130515131420 Change venue types up 20130626095459 Add video id to events up 20130705055128 Add revision to conference up 20130711043459 Create events registrations table up 20130711044247 Add require registration to events up 20130712072609 Add attended to registrations up 20130728055450 Add schedule changes to call for papers up 20130815085420 Create votes up 20130815201317 Add rating to call for papers up 20130815201511 Add rating desc to call for papers up 20130821094246 Add volunteer to registrations up 20130821102003 Add volunteer experience to registrations up 20130821102047 Add tshirt to people up 20130821102108 Add mobile to people up 20130821102404 Add languages to people up 20130821102543 Add use vpositions to conferences up 20130821102618 Add use vdays to conferences up 20130821133651 Create vpositions up 20130821133850 Create vdays up 20131022131450 Add created at to supporter registrations up 20131228132353 Change default rating in call for papers up 20131228214532 Create vchoices up 20131229072532 Registrations vchoices up 20140109190643 Create questions up 20140109190844 Create question types up 20140109191042 Create answers up 20140109191145 Create qanswers up 20140109191321 Create conferences questions up 20140112192801 Create qanswers registrations up 20140212172244 Create difficulty levels up 20140212175251 Add use difficulty levels to conference up 20140213122424 Add difficulty level id to events up 20140304192527 Add use volunteers to conference up 20140305102505 Use vdays vpositions defaults up 20140319143547 Rename video to media on events up 20140401094729 Add schedule public to call for papers up 20140414131028 Add video to conferences up 20140514140013 Remove rating desc from cfp up 20140528072939 Add color to conference up 20140528084706 Add description to conference up 20140528115842 Add registration description to conference up 20140529133052 Add ticket description to conference up 20140529133228 Add description to supporter level up 20140529133339 Add ticket price to supporter level up 20140530082708 Remove color defaults up 20140603092041 Create openids up 20140604061951 Create lodgings up 20140604142949 Remove hard deadline from call for papers up 20140605055802 Create sponsorship levels up 20140605115251 Create sponsors up 20140605125153 Update event states up 20140606102331 Add sponsor description to conference up 20140606102358 Add sponsor email to conference up 20140609172219 Add person attributes to user up 20140610064046 Create photos up 20140610163947 Create event users up 20140610165551 Migrate data person to user up 20140610173021 Change person id to user id in registrations up 20140611123926 Change person id to user id in votes up 20140612141123 Add color to event type up 20140612181230 Add social urls to conference up 20140613083115 Add photo to venue up 20140614171853 Add lodging description to conference up 20140614174354 Add website link to lodging up 20140616131731 Add make conference public to conference up 20140616132153 Create targets up 20140616132456 Create campaigns up 20140617140018 Add checkboxes for splash components to conference up 20140617141918 Add include cfp in splash to call for papers up 20140617145048 Add venue checkboxes to venue up 20140620130306 Add banner photo to conference up 20140620134535 Add include banner in splash to conference up 20140623100942 Create visits up 20140623101032 Create ahoy events up 20140623150541 Drop person and event person tables up 20140625112608 Add week to event up 20140625114813 Add week to registration up 20140627165718 Add instagram url to conference up 20140701123203 Add events per week to conference up 20140707120158 Add conference dates updates to email settings up 20140710130608 Add conference registration dates updates to email settings up 20140711072651 Add description and resource to roles up 20140711113037 Add venue update to email settings up 20140714141156 Add volunteer fields to user up 20140716115448 Add default value to email settings up 20140718103856 Add is admin to users up 20140719160903 Create delayed jobs up 20140724113107 Add call for papers updates to email settings up 20140724153520 Create subscriptions up 20140730104658 Migrate roles for cancancan up 20140731153332 Create contacts up 20140731165107 Move conference contact details to contact up 20140801103645 Create commercials up 20140801164901 Move conference media to commercial up 20140801170430 Move event media to commercial up 20140804185823 Create registration periods up 20140812065531 Move conference registration data to registration periods up 20140819124315 Rename supporter level to ticket up 20140820093735 Migrating supporter registrations to ticket users up 20140820123503 Assign users to events up 20140820124117 Undo wrong migration20140801080705 add users to events up 20140821103643 Split ticket price in price and currency up 20140825091222 Create splashpages up 20140825093132 Move splashpage attributes from conference to splashpage up 20140930092923 Move sponsor email to contact up 20141031225545 Add require handicapped access to questions up 20141031225606 Add attending with partner to questions up 20141031225620 Add staying at suggested hotel to questions up 20141031225635 Add attending social events to questions up 20141103132913 Add username to users up 20141104131625 Generate username up 20141106141750 Add is disabled flag to user up 20141109172204 Set room public default to false up 20141113134103 Add position to sponsorship level up 20141117214230 Move banner description to conference up 20141117222919 Drop splash descriptions and photo up 20141118143700 Add address fields to venue up 20141118150427 Cleanup venue up 20141118153918 Change venue conference association up 20141118162030 Change lodging association to conference up 20141120205757 Remove public from room up 20141121102656 Remove description from call for paper up 20141127161313 Add is highlight in events up 20141128073306 Migrate data remove column include cfp in splash add column include cfp up 20141130182139 Drop table event attachments up 20150304135935 Add created atto qanswer up 20150415121038 Add description to event type up 20150417050953 Add url to commercial up 20150929142405 Change postalcode format in venues up 20151005161518 Rename templates in email settings up 20151018152439 Create programs table up 20151018154513 Rename conference id to program id in events tracks difficulty levels up 20151021113015 Rename email settings with cfp and program up 20151031092713 Change conference id to venue id in rooms up 20160201221411 Add registration limit to conferences up 20160226133808 Rename roles users to users roles up 20160309182642 Remove social events table up 20160309182655 Remove dietary choices table up 20160309183052 Remove html export path from conferences up 20160320220630 Add languages to program up 20160323154504 Add max attendees to events up 20160326075326 Add attended to events registrations up 20160403214841 Add id and created at to events registrations up 20160427101444 Remove photos up 20160427104236 Add pictures up 20160427104237 Add blind voting to programs up 20160427104238 Add voting dates to program up 20160501201606 Add show by default to splashpage up 20160508201501 Add banner to splashpage up 20160512035046 Add banner attribution to splashpage up 20160524050538 Add conference id to versions up 20160524104006 Remove unused logo columns and use difficulty levels from conferences up 20160524104501 Remove unused logo columns from sponsors up 20160524104805 Remove logo and progress and time slots from events up 20160606040848 Create payments up 20160610073948 Add payment id to ticket purchases up 20160614145614 Add id to users roles up 20160624151257 Remove unused photo columns from venues down 20160627122446 Create surveys down 20160628093634 Create survey questions down 20160629145954 Add target to surveys down 20160630094850 Create survey replies down 20160630130731 Create survey submissions up 20160704091928 Create schedules up 20160704092023 Create event schedules up 20160815094215 Add times to conferences up 20160815140302 Add index to event schedule down 20161229080315 Add comments count to events down 20170108053041 Add default to revision in conference up 20170129075434 Create resources table down 20170212145523 Add enabled to event schedules up 20170213145807 Change email public from users up 20170302145716 Add schedule interval to programs up 20170419132148 Add week to ticket purchases down 20170516190048 Create booths up 20170529215453 Create organizations down 20170530072155 Add type to cfps down 20170530112510 Create booth requests up 20170531094819 Move conferences to organizations down 20170603095900 Create physical tickets up 20170613224853 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170614025428 ********** NO FILE ********** down 20170629162450 Add short name to tracks down 20170629232817 Add ticket layout to conferences down 20170705075039 Add state cfp active and submitter reference to tracks down 20170711102511 Create ticket scannings down 20170712120556 Add room and dates to tracks down 20170715131706 Make track state not null and add default value down 20170720134353 Make track cfp active not null down 20170721001700 Add index to physical tickets down 20170721184810 Add custom domain to conferences down 20170726065629 Add relevance to tracks down 20170727081731 Add include booths to splashpages down 20170728182033 Add booth limit to conferences down 20170731161207 Add booths to email settings down 20170807092805 Add registration ticket to tickets down 20170809120927 Add track reference to schedule down 20170814174637 Add selected schedule to tracks down 20170905110034 Add description to cfps down 20170924190528 Add amount paid to ticket purchases down 20171118113113 Change visit id type of ahoy events to integer down 20171130172334 Rebuild conference pictures down 20171201163628 Add mastodon to contact down 20180226032958 Add created at and updated at to event types down 20180312100045 Create ahoy visits and events down 20180313012253 Add timestamps to tickets down 20180316185150 Add code of conduct to organization down 20180316220446 Add accepted code of conduct to registrations up 20180522011758 ********** NO FILE ********** down 20180822125509 Add submitted proposal attributes in email settings down 20180924221715 User email public defaults to false down 20181009000259 Drop ahoy events down 20181017183243 Add allow reservations on cfps down 20181113195810 Add youtube and blog to contacts down 20181229233811 Remove arrival departure from registrations down 20200331214534 Add organization to versions down 20200525194219 Use organization up 20200710065434 ********** NO FILE ********** down 20220312000831 Convert proposal questions to surveys down 20220401000955 Add send on event comment to email settings Not updating versions of deleted event... Not updating versions of deleted event... Not updating versions of deleted event... Not updating versions of deleted event... Not updating versions of deleted event... Not updating versions of deleted event... Not updating versions of deleted event... Not updating versions of deleted event... All done! + rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20160512035046 I, [2022-06-17T02:10:59.467305 #209] INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [5.1.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details I, [2022-06-17T02:11:00.239580 #209] INFO -- : Migrating to AddBannerAttributionToSplashpage (20160512035046) rake aborted! NameError: uninitialized constant AddBannerAttributionToSplashpage Object.const_get(camel_cased_word) ^^^^^^^^^^ /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activesupport-7.0.1/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:280:in `constantize' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activesupport-7.0.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb:74:in `constantize' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1056:in `load_migration' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1049:in `migration' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1045:in `disable_ddl_transaction' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1417:in `use_transaction?' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1364:in `rescue in execute_migration_in_transaction' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1352:in `execute_migration_in_transaction' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1320:in `run_without_lock' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1273:in `block in run' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1431:in `block in with_advisory_lock' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:215:in `with_connection' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1446:in `with_advisory_lock_connection' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1427:in `with_advisory_lock' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1273:in `run' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1130:in `run' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/railties/databases.rake:229:in `block (3 levels) in ' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/sentry-ruby-core-4.6.5/lib/sentry/rake.rb:23:in `block in execute' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/sentry-ruby-core-4.6.5/lib/sentry/hub.rb:153:in `with_background_worker_disabled' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/sentry-ruby-core-4.6.5/lib/sentry/rake.rb:22:in `execute' Caused by: NameError: uninitialized constant AddBannerAttributionToSplashpage Object.const_get(camel_cased_word) ^^^^^^^^^^ /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activesupport-7.0.1/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:280:in `constantize' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activesupport-7.0.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb:74:in `constantize' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1056:in `load_migration' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1049:in `migration' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1045:in `disable_ddl_transaction' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1417:in `use_transaction?' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1409:in `ddl_transaction' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1358:in `execute_migration_in_transaction' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1320:in `run_without_lock' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1273:in `block in run' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1431:in `block in with_advisory_lock' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:215:in `with_connection' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1446:in `with_advisory_lock_connection' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1427:in `with_advisory_lock' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1273:in `run' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1130:in `run' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord-7.0.1/lib/active_record/railties/databases.rake:229:in `block (3 levels) in ' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/sentry-ruby-core-4.6.5/lib/sentry/rake.rb:23:in `block in execute' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/sentry-ruby-core-4.6.5/lib/sentry/hub.rb:153:in `with_background_worker_disabled' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/sentry-ruby-core-4.6.5/lib/sentry/rake.rb:22:in `execute' Tasks: TOP => db:migrate:down (See full trace by running task with --trace) + rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20160508201501 I, [2022-06-17T02:11:05.830550 #213] INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [5.1.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details I, [2022-06-17T02:11:06.463996 #213] INFO -- : Migrating to AddBannerToSplashpage (20160508201501) == 20160508201501 AddBannerToSplashpage: reverting ============================ -- remove_column(:splashpages, :banner_updated_at, :datetime, {:precision=>nil}) -> 0.0669s -- remove_column(:splashpages, :banner_file_size, :integer) -> 0.0204s -- remove_column(:splashpages, :banner_content_type, :string) -> 0.0399s -- remove_column(:splashpages, :banner_file_name, :string) -> 0.0203s == 20160508201501 AddBannerToSplashpage: reverted (0.1528s) =================== + rm db/migrate/20160508201501_add_banner_to_splashpage.rb + rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20160501201606 I, [2022-06-17T02:11:11.325965 #218] INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [5.1.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details I, [2022-06-17T02:11:11.979572 #218] INFO -- : Migrating to AddShowByDefaultToSplashpage (20160501201606) == 20160501201606 AddShowByDefaultToSplashpage: reverting ===================== -- remove_column(:splashpages, :show_by_default, :boolean) -> 0.0476s == 20160501201606 AddShowByDefaultToSplashpage: reverted (0.0514s) ============ + rm db/migrate/20160501201606_add_show_by_default_to_splashpage.rb + rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20170212145523 I, [2022-06-17T02:11:16.714683 #223] INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [5.1.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details I, [2022-06-17T02:11:17.351908 #223] INFO -- : Migrating to AddEnabledToEventSchedules (20170212145523) == 20170212145523 AddEnabledToEventSchedules: migrating ======================= -- add_column(:event_schedules, :enabled, :boolean, {:default=>true}) -> 0.0184s == 20170212145523 AddEnabledToEventSchedules: migrated (0.0188s) ============== + rake data:move_events_attributes I, [2022-06-17T02:11:22.059312 #227] INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [5.1.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details The start_time and room attributes has been moved from Event to EventSchedule + rake db:migrate VERSION=20200331214534 I, [2022-06-17T02:11:29.472226 #231] INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [5.1.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details + rake db:migrate roles:add db:migrate:status I, [2022-06-17T02:11:34.902294 #235] INFO -- : [SKYLIGHT] [5.1.1] Unable to start, see the Skylight logs for more details I, [2022-06-17T02:11:35.549589 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateSurveys (20160627122446) == 20160627122446 CreateSurveys: migrating ==================================== -- create_table(:surveys, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer}) -> 0.0209s == 20160627122446 CreateSurveys: migrated (0.0213s) =========================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:35.586298 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateSurveyQuestions (20160628093634) == 20160628093634 CreateSurveyQuestions: migrating ============================ -- create_table(:survey_questions, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer}) -> 0.0184s == 20160628093634 CreateSurveyQuestions: migrated (0.0188s) =================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:35.613258 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddTargetToSurveys (20160629145954) == 20160629145954 AddTargetToSurveys: migrating =============================== -- add_column(:surveys, :target, :integer, {:default=>0}) -> 0.0149s == 20160629145954 AddTargetToSurveys: migrated (0.0151s) ====================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:35.636396 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateSurveyReplies (20160630094850) == 20160630094850 CreateSurveyReplies: migrating ============================== -- create_table(:survey_replies, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer}) -> 0.0153s == 20160630094850 CreateSurveyReplies: migrated (0.0155s) ===================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:35.659861 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateSurveySubmissions (20160630130731) == 20160630130731 CreateSurveySubmissions: migrating ========================== -- create_table(:survey_submissions, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer}) -> 0.0184s == 20160630130731 CreateSurveySubmissions: migrated (0.0186s) ================= I, [2022-06-17T02:11:35.687558 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddCommentsCountToEvents (20161229080315) == 20161229080315 AddCommentsCountToEvents: migrating ========================= -- add_column(:events, :comments_count, :integer, {:default=>0, :null=>false}) -> 0.0149s == 20161229080315 AddCommentsCountToEvents: migrated (12.5995s) =============== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:48.296054 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddDefaultToRevisionInConference (20170108053041) == 20170108053041 AddDefaultToRevisionInConference: migrating ================= -- change_column(:conferences, :revision, :integer, {:default=>0, :null=>false}) -> 0.0310s == 20170108053041 AddDefaultToRevisionInConference: migrated (0.0311s) ======== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:48.335579 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateBooths (20170516190048) == 20170516190048 CreateBooths: migrating ===================================== -- create_table(:booths, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer}) -> 0.0171s == 20170516190048 CreateBooths: migrated (0.0178s) ============================ I, [2022-06-17T02:11:48.362143 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddTypeToCfps (20170530072155) == 20170530072155 AddTypeToCfps: migrating ==================================== -- add_column(:cfps, :cfp_type, :string) -> 0.0159s == 20170530072155 AddTypeToCfps: migrated (0.0817s) =========================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:48.453435 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateBoothRequests (20170530112510) == 20170530112510 CreateBoothRequests: migrating ============================== -- create_table(:booth_requests, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer}) -> 0.0204s == 20170530112510 CreateBoothRequests: migrated (0.0209s) ===================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:48.482425 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreatePhysicalTickets (20170603095900) == 20170603095900 CreatePhysicalTickets: migrating ============================ -- create_table(:physical_tickets, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer}) -> 0.0194s == 20170603095900 CreatePhysicalTickets: migrated (0.0199s) =================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:48.510656 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddShortNameToTracks (20170629162450) == 20170629162450 AddShortNameToTracks: migrating ============================= -- add_column(:tracks, :short_name, :string) -> 0.0162s -- change_column_null(:tracks, :short_name, false) -> 0.0287s == 20170629162450 AddShortNameToTracks: migrated (0.6213s) ==================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:49.141100 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddTicketLayoutToConferences (20170629232817) == 20170629232817 AddTicketLayoutToConferences: migrating ===================== -- add_column(:conferences, :ticket_layout, :integer, {:default=>0}) -> 0.0150s == 20170629232817 AddTicketLayoutToConferences: migrated (0.0154s) ============ I, [2022-06-17T02:11:49.166075 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddStateCfpActiveAndSubmitterReferenceToTracks (20170705075039) == 20170705075039 AddStateCfpActiveAndSubmitterReferenceToTracks: migrating === -- add_column(:tracks, :state, :string) -> 0.0163s -- add_column(:tracks, :cfp_active, :boolean) -> 0.0180s -- add_column(:tracks, :submitter_id, :integer) -> 0.0163s -- add_index(:tracks, :submitter_id) -> 0.0193s == 20170705075039 AddStateCfpActiveAndSubmitterReferenceToTracks: migrated (0.0711s) I, [2022-06-17T02:11:49.245089 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateTicketScannings (20170711102511) == 20170711102511 CreateTicketScannings: migrating ============================ -- create_table(:ticket_scannings, {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :id=>:integer}) -> 0.0221s == 20170711102511 CreateTicketScannings: migrated (0.0223s) =================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:49.276324 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddRoomAndDatesToTracks (20170712120556) == 20170712120556 AddRoomAndDatesToTracks: migrating ========================== -- add_column(:tracks, "room_id", :integer) -> 0.0172s -- add_index(:tracks, ["room_id"]) -> 0.0205s -- add_foreign_key(:tracks, "rooms", {:column=>"room_id"}) -> 0.0344s -- add_column(:tracks, :start_date, :date) -> 0.0171s -- add_column(:tracks, :end_date, :date) -> 0.0176s == 20170712120556 AddRoomAndDatesToTracks: migrated (0.1102s) ================= I, [2022-06-17T02:11:49.396502 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to MakeTrackStateNotNullAndAddDefaultValue (20170715131706) == 20170715131706 MakeTrackStateNotNullAndAddDefaultValue: migrating ========== -- change_column(:tracks, :state, :string, {:null=>false, :default=>"new"}) -> 0.0326s == 20170715131706 MakeTrackStateNotNullAndAddDefaultValue: migrated (0.5056s) = I, [2022-06-17T02:11:49.910587 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to MakeTrackCfpActiveNotNull (20170720134353) == 20170720134353 MakeTrackCfpActiveNotNull: migrating ======================== -- change_column(:tracks, :cfp_active, :boolean, {:null=>false, :default=>false}) -> 0.0322s == 20170720134353 MakeTrackCfpActiveNotNull: migrated (0.6321s) =============== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.551204 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddIndexToPhysicalTickets (20170721001700) == 20170721001700 AddIndexToPhysicalTickets: migrating ======================== -- add_column(:physical_tickets, :token, :string) -> 0.0179s -- add_index(:physical_tickets, :token, {:unique=>true}) -> 0.0221s == 20170721001700 AddIndexToPhysicalTickets: migrated (0.0406s) =============== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.600441 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddCustomDomainToConferences (20170721184810) == 20170721184810 AddCustomDomainToConferences: migrating ===================== -- add_column(:conferences, :custom_domain, :string) -> 0.0170s == 20170721184810 AddCustomDomainToConferences: migrated (0.0172s) ============ I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.628376 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddRelevanceToTracks (20170726065629) == 20170726065629 AddRelevanceToTracks: migrating ============================= -- add_column(:tracks, :relevance, :text) -> 0.0203s == 20170726065629 AddRelevanceToTracks: migrated (0.0210s) ==================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.660414 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddIncludeBoothsToSplashpages (20170727081731) == 20170727081731 AddIncludeBoothsToSplashpages: migrating ==================== -- add_column(:splashpages, :include_booths, :boolean) -> 0.0154s == 20170727081731 AddIncludeBoothsToSplashpages: migrated (0.0160s) =========== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.687926 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddBoothLimitToConferences (20170728182033) == 20170728182033 AddBoothLimitToConferences: migrating ======================= -- add_column(:conferences, :booth_limit, :integer, {:default=>0}) -> 0.0176s == 20170728182033 AddBoothLimitToConferences: migrated (0.0185s) ============== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.715635 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddBoothsToEmailSettings (20170731161207) == 20170731161207 AddBoothsToEmailSettings: migrating ========================= -- add_column(:email_settings, :send_on_booths_acceptance, :boolean, {:default=>false}) -> 0.0158s -- add_column(:email_settings, :booths_acceptance_subject, :string) -> 0.0169s -- add_column(:email_settings, :booths_acceptance_body, :text) -> 0.0169s -- add_column(:email_settings, :send_on_booths_rejection, :boolean, {:default=>false}) -> 0.0196s -- add_column(:email_settings, :booths_rejection_subject, :string) -> 0.0179s -- add_column(:email_settings, :booths_rejection_body, :text) -> 0.0199s == 20170731161207 AddBoothsToEmailSettings: migrated (0.1083s) ================ I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.834628 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddRegistrationTicketToTickets (20170807092805) == 20170807092805 AddRegistrationTicketToTickets: migrating =================== -- add_column(:tickets, :registration_ticket, :boolean, {:default=>false}) -> 0.0177s == 20170807092805 AddRegistrationTicketToTickets: migrated (0.0180s) ========== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.861023 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddTrackReferenceToSchedule (20170809120927) == 20170809120927 AddTrackReferenceToSchedule: migrating ====================== -- add_column(:schedules, "track_id", :integer) -> 0.0225s -- add_index(:schedules, ["track_id"]) -> 0.0200s -- add_foreign_key(:schedules, "tracks", {:column=>"track_id"}) -> 0.0310s == 20170809120927 AddTrackReferenceToSchedule: migrated (0.0745s) ============= I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.943290 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddSelectedScheduleToTracks (20170814174637) == 20170814174637 AddSelectedScheduleToTracks: migrating ====================== -- add_column(:tracks, :selected_schedule_id, :integer) -> 0.0165s -- add_index(:tracks, :selected_schedule_id) -> 0.0203s == 20170814174637 AddSelectedScheduleToTracks: migrated (0.0371s) ============= I, [2022-06-17T02:11:50.988058 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddDescriptionToCfps (20170905110034) == 20170905110034 AddDescriptionToCfps: migrating ============================= -- add_column(:cfps, :description, :text) -> 0.0152s == 20170905110034 AddDescriptionToCfps: migrated (0.0154s) ==================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.012113 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddAmountPaidToTicketPurchases (20170924190528) == 20170924190528 AddAmountPaidToTicketPurchases: migrating =================== -- add_column(:ticket_purchases, :amount_paid, :float, {:default=>0}) -> 0.0162s == 20170924190528 AddAmountPaidToTicketPurchases: migrated (0.0164s) ========== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.039680 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to ChangeVisitIdTypeOfAhoyEventsToInteger (20171118113113) == 20171118113113 ChangeVisitIdTypeOfAhoyEventsToInteger: migrating =========== -- change_column(:ahoy_events, :visit_id, :integer, {:limit=>nil}) -> 0.0369s == 20171118113113 ChangeVisitIdTypeOfAhoyEventsToInteger: migrated (0.0371s) == I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.084968 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to RebuildConferencePictures (20171130172334) == 20171130172334 RebuildConferencePictures: migrating ======================== == 20171130172334 RebuildConferencePictures: migrated (0.0023s) =============== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.096951 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddMastodonToContact (20171201163628) == 20171201163628 AddMastodonToContact: migrating ============================= -- add_column(:contacts, :mastodon, :string) -> 0.0156s == 20171201163628 AddMastodonToContact: migrated (0.0158s) ==================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.120523 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddCreatedAtAndUpdatedAtToEventTypes (20180226032958) == 20180226032958 AddCreatedAtAndUpdatedAtToEventTypes: migrating ============= -- add_column(:event_types, :created_at, :datetime, {:precision=>nil}) -> 0.0159s -- add_column(:event_types, :updated_at, :datetime, {:precision=>nil}) -> 0.0795s == 20180226032958 AddCreatedAtAndUpdatedAtToEventTypes: migrated (0.1334s) ==== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.261810 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to CreateAhoyVisitsAndEvents (20180312100045) == 20180312100045 CreateAhoyVisitsAndEvents: migrating ======================== -- add_column(:visits, :visit_token, :string) -> 0.0150s -- add_column(:visits, :visitor_token, :string) -> 0.0175s -- add_index(:visits, [:visit_token], {:unique=>true}) -> 0.0442s -- add_index(:ahoy_events, [:name, :time]) -> 0.0230s == 20180312100045 CreateAhoyVisitsAndEvents: migrated (0.1009s) =============== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.373468 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddTimestampsToTickets (20180313012253) == 20180313012253 AddTimestampsToTickets: migrating =========================== -- add_column(:tickets, :created_at, :datetime, {:precision=>nil}) -> 0.0302s -- add_column(:tickets, :updated_at, :datetime, {:precision=>nil}) -> 0.0229s == 20180313012253 AddTimestampsToTickets: migrated (0.0579s) ================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.439269 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddCodeOfConductToOrganization (20180316185150) == 20180316185150 AddCodeOfConductToOrganization: migrating =================== -- add_column(:organizations, :code_of_conduct, :text) -> 0.0673s == 20180316185150 AddCodeOfConductToOrganization: migrated (0.0677s) ========== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.515076 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddAcceptedCodeOfConductToRegistrations (20180316220446) == 20180316220446 AddAcceptedCodeOfConductToRegistrations: migrating ========== -- add_column(:registrations, :accepted_code_of_conduct, :boolean) -> 0.0149s == 20180316220446 AddAcceptedCodeOfConductToRegistrations: migrated (0.0151s) = I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.539300 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddSubmittedProposalAttributesInEmailSettings (20180822125509) == 20180822125509 AddSubmittedProposalAttributesInEmailSettings: migrating ==== -- add_column(:email_settings, :send_on_submitted_proposal, :boolean, {:default=>false}) -> 0.0294s -- add_column(:email_settings, :submitted_proposal_subject, :string) -> 0.0170s -- add_column(:email_settings, :submitted_proposal_body, :text) -> 0.0323s == 20180822125509 AddSubmittedProposalAttributesInEmailSettings: migrated (0.0792s) I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.627327 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to UserEmailPublicDefaultsToFalse (20180924221715) == 20180924221715 UserEmailPublicDefaultsToFalse: migrating =================== -- change_column_default(:users, :email_public, false) -> 0.0201s == 20180924221715 UserEmailPublicDefaultsToFalse: migrated (0.0204s) ========== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.656241 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to DropAhoyEvents (20181009000259) == 20181009000259 DropAhoyEvents: migrating =================================== -- remove_index(:visits, [:visit_token]) -> 0.0250s -- remove_index(:ahoy_events, [:name, :time]) -> 0.0194s -- drop_table(:targets) -> 0.0133s -- drop_table(:campaigns) -> 0.0116s -- drop_table(:visits) -> 0.0137s -- drop_table(:ahoy_events) -> 0.0130s == 20181009000259 DropAhoyEvents: migrated (0.0977s) ========================== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.761601 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddAllowReservationsOnCfps (20181017183243) == 20181017183243 AddAllowReservationsOnCfps: migrating ======================= -- add_column("cfps", "enable_registrations", :boolean, {:default=>false}) -> 0.0145s == 20181017183243 AddAllowReservationsOnCfps: migrated (0.0147s) ============== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.783326 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddYoutubeAndBlogToContacts (20181113195810) == 20181113195810 AddYoutubeAndBlogToContacts: migrating ====================== -- add_column(:contacts, :youtube, :string) -> 0.0145s -- add_column(:contacts, :blog, :string) -> 0.0168s == 20181113195810 AddYoutubeAndBlogToContacts: migrated (0.0319s) ============= I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.823594 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to RemoveArrivalDepartureFromRegistrations (20181229233811) == 20181229233811 RemoveArrivalDepartureFromRegistrations: migrating ========== -- remove_column(:registrations, :arrival, :datetime) -> 0.0240s -- remove_column(:registrations, :departure, :datetime) -> 0.0185s == 20181229233811 RemoveArrivalDepartureFromRegistrations: migrated (0.0429s) = I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.878471 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddOrganizationToVersions (20200331214534) == 20200331214534 AddOrganizationToVersions: migrating ======================== -- add_column(:versions, "organization_id", :bigint) -> 0.0146s -- add_index(:versions, ["organization_id"]) -> 0.0336s -- deconflate == 20200331214534 AddOrganizationToVersions: migrated (0.0521s) =============== I, [2022-06-17T02:11:51.939163 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to UseOrganization (20200525194219) == 20200525194219 UseOrganization: migrating ================================== Renaming organization "organization" to "SeaGL" Adding role organization_admin to user "Nathan Handler" == 20200525194219 UseOrganization: migrated (0.1842s) ========================= I, [2022-06-17T02:11:52.131334 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to ConvertProposalQuestionsToSurveys (20220312000831) == 20220312000831 ConvertProposalQuestionsToSurveys: migrating ================ -- Convert :diversity and :first_time to survey in seagl2017 -> 3.5756s -- Convert :diversity and :first_time to survey in seagl2018 -> 4.5343s -- Convert :diversity and :first_time to survey in seagl2019 -> 3.6050s -- Convert :pnw, :diversity, and :first_time to survey in seagl2020 -> 3.8437s -- Convert :pnw, :diversity, and :first_time to survey in seagl2021 -> 2.3714s -- remove_column(:events, :pnw, :boolean) -> 0.0193s -- remove_column(:events, :first_time, :boolean, {:default=>false}) -> 0.0185s -- remove_column(:events, :diversity, :boolean, {:default=>false}) -> 0.0170s == 20220312000831 ConvertProposalQuestionsToSurveys: migrated (19.6360s) ====== I, [2022-06-17T02:12:11.777082 #235] INFO -- : Migrating to AddSendOnEventCommentToEmailSettings (20220401000955) == 20220401000955 AddSendOnEventCommentToEmailSettings: migrating ============= -- add_column(:email_settings, :send_on_event_comment, :boolean, {:default=>true}) -> 0.0187s == 20220401000955 AddSendOnEventCommentToEmailSettings: migrated (0.0188s) ==== All done! database: osem Status Migration ID Migration Name -------------------------------------------------- up 20121223110942 Devise create users up 20121223115038 Create conferences table up 20121223115106 Create people table up 20121223115117 Create rooms table up 20121223115125 Create tracks table up 20121223115135 Create events table up 20121223120413 Create event types up 20121223122307 Create event people table up 20121223122842 Create venue table up 20121223135240 Create roles table up 20121223135447 User roles table up 20121224144728 Create cfp table up 20130103134212 Create registrations table up 20130104142209 Create comments up 20130104142839 Acts as commentable upgrade migration up 20130105115603 Create event attachments table up 20130107112833 Add registration dates to conferences table up 20130107113653 Remove cfp and reg booleans from conferences up 20130107114930 Create versions up 20130113105652 Create email table up 20130113132225 Add subjects to email settings up 20130117130949 Add logo to conferences table up 20130120104029 Change arrival registrations date to datetime up 20130131100257 Add minimum and maximum abstract lengths to event types up 20130202091022 Add dietary choice to conferences up 20130202091051 Create dietary choices table up 20130202091229 Add dietary choice to registration up 20130202093137 Add dietary text to registration up 20130202102024 Add handicapped access to registrations up 20130202130737 Create supporter level table up 20130202130923 Create table supporter registrations up 20130202131932 Add use supporter levels to conferences up 20130206192339 Rename attending social events with partner up 20130211170728 Add irc nick to people table up 20130216070725 Create social events table up 20130216120112 Create registrations social events table up 20130216122155 Set registration defaults to false up 20130216122417 Add special needs field to registrations up 20130515125823 Change attachment default up 20130515131420 Change venue types up 20130626095459 Add video id to events up 20130705055128 Add revision to conference up 20130711043459 Create events registrations table up 20130711044247 Add require registration to events up 20130712072609 Add attended to registrations up 20130728055450 Add schedule changes to call for papers up 20130815085420 Create votes up 20130815201317 Add rating to call for papers up 20130815201511 Add rating desc to call for papers up 20130821094246 Add volunteer to registrations up 20130821102003 Add volunteer experience to registrations up 20130821102047 Add tshirt to people up 20130821102108 Add mobile to people up 20130821102404 Add languages to people up 20130821102543 Add use vpositions to conferences up 20130821102618 Add use vdays to conferences up 20130821133651 Create vpositions up 20130821133850 Create vdays up 20131022131450 Add created at to supporter registrations up 20131228132353 Change default rating in call for papers up 20131228214532 Create vchoices up 20131229072532 Registrations vchoices up 20140109190643 Create questions up 20140109190844 Create question types up 20140109191042 Create answers up 20140109191145 Create qanswers up 20140109191321 Create conferences questions up 20140112192801 Create qanswers registrations up 20140212172244 Create difficulty levels up 20140212175251 Add use difficulty levels to conference up 20140213122424 Add difficulty level id to events up 20140304192527 Add use volunteers to conference up 20140305102505 Use vdays vpositions defaults up 20140319143547 Rename video to media on events up 20140401094729 Add schedule public to call for papers up 20140414131028 Add video to conferences up 20140514140013 Remove rating desc from cfp up 20140528072939 Add color to conference up 20140528084706 Add description to conference up 20140528115842 Add registration description to conference up 20140529133052 Add ticket description to conference up 20140529133228 Add description to supporter level up 20140529133339 Add ticket price to supporter level up 20140530082708 Remove color defaults up 20140603092041 Create openids up 20140604061951 Create lodgings up 20140604142949 Remove hard deadline from call for papers up 20140605055802 Create sponsorship levels up 20140605115251 Create sponsors up 20140605125153 Update event states up 20140606102331 Add sponsor description to conference up 20140606102358 Add sponsor email to conference up 20140609172219 Add person attributes to user up 20140610064046 Create photos up 20140610163947 Create event users up 20140610165551 Migrate data person to user up 20140610173021 Change person id to user id in registrations up 20140611123926 Change person id to user id in votes up 20140612141123 Add color to event type up 20140612181230 Add social urls to conference up 20140613083115 Add photo to venue up 20140614171853 Add lodging description to conference up 20140614174354 Add website link to lodging up 20140616131731 Add make conference public to conference up 20140616132153 Create targets up 20140616132456 Create campaigns up 20140617140018 Add checkboxes for splash components to conference up 20140617141918 Add include cfp in splash to call for papers up 20140617145048 Add venue checkboxes to venue up 20140620130306 Add banner photo to conference up 20140620134535 Add include banner in splash to conference up 20140623100942 Create visits up 20140623101032 Create ahoy events up 20140623150541 Drop person and event person tables up 20140625112608 Add week to event up 20140625114813 Add week to registration up 20140627165718 Add instagram url to conference up 20140701123203 Add events per week to conference up 20140707120158 Add conference dates updates to email settings up 20140710130608 Add conference registration dates updates to email settings up 20140711072651 Add description and resource to roles up 20140711113037 Add venue update to email settings up 20140714141156 Add volunteer fields to user up 20140716115448 Add default value to email settings up 20140718103856 Add is admin to users up 20140719160903 Create delayed jobs up 20140724113107 Add call for papers updates to email settings up 20140724153520 Create subscriptions up 20140730104658 Migrate roles for cancancan up 20140731153332 Create contacts up 20140731165107 Move conference contact details to contact up 20140801103645 Create commercials up 20140801164901 Move conference media to commercial up 20140801170430 Move event media to commercial up 20140804185823 Create registration periods up 20140812065531 Move conference registration data to registration periods up 20140819124315 Rename supporter level to ticket up 20140820093735 Migrating supporter registrations to ticket users up 20140820123503 Assign users to events up 20140820124117 Undo wrong migration20140801080705 add users to events up 20140821103643 Split ticket price in price and currency up 20140825091222 Create splashpages up 20140825093132 Move splashpage attributes from conference to splashpage up 20140930092923 Move sponsor email to contact up 20141031225545 Add require handicapped access to questions up 20141031225606 Add attending with partner to questions up 20141031225620 Add staying at suggested hotel to questions up 20141031225635 Add attending social events to questions up 20141103132913 Add username to users up 20141104131625 Generate username up 20141106141750 Add is disabled flag to user up 20141109172204 Set room public default to false up 20141113134103 Add position to sponsorship level up 20141117214230 Move banner description to conference up 20141117222919 Drop splash descriptions and photo up 20141118143700 Add address fields to venue up 20141118150427 Cleanup venue up 20141118153918 Change venue conference association up 20141118162030 Change lodging association to conference up 20141120205757 Remove public from room up 20141121102656 Remove description from call for paper up 20141127161313 Add is highlight in events up 20141128073306 Migrate data remove column include cfp in splash add column include cfp up 20141130182139 Drop table event attachments up 20150304135935 Add created atto qanswer up 20150415121038 Add description to event type up 20150417050953 Add url to commercial up 20150929142405 Change postalcode format in venues up 20151005161518 Rename templates in email settings up 20151018152439 Create programs table up 20151018154513 Rename conference id to program id in events tracks difficulty levels up 20151021113015 Rename email settings with cfp and program up 20151031092713 Change conference id to venue id in rooms up 20160201221411 Add registration limit to conferences up 20160226133808 Rename roles users to users roles up 20160309182642 Remove social events table up 20160309182655 Remove dietary choices table up 20160309183052 Remove html export path from conferences up 20160320220630 Add languages to program up 20160323154504 Add max attendees to events up 20160326075326 Add attended to events registrations up 20160403214841 Add id and created at to events registrations up 20160427101444 Remove photos up 20160427104236 Add pictures up 20160427104237 Add blind voting to programs up 20160427104238 Add voting dates to program up 20160512035046 Add banner attribution to splashpage up 20160524050538 Add conference id to versions up 20160524104006 Remove unused logo columns and use difficulty levels from conferences up 20160524104501 Remove unused logo columns from sponsors up 20160524104805 Remove logo and progress and time slots from events up 20160606040848 Create payments up 20160610073948 Add payment id to ticket purchases up 20160614145614 Add id to users roles up 20160624151257 Remove unused photo columns from venues up 20160627122446 Create surveys up 20160628093634 Create survey questions up 20160629145954 Add target to surveys up 20160630094850 Create survey replies up 20160630130731 Create survey submissions up 20160704091928 Create schedules up 20160704092023 Create event schedules up 20160815094215 Add times to conferences up 20160815140302 Add index to event schedule up 20161229080315 Add comments count to events up 20170108053041 Add default to revision in conference up 20170129075434 Create resources table up 20170212145523 Add enabled to event schedules up 20170213145807 Change email public from users up 20170302145716 Add schedule interval to programs up 20170419132148 Add week to ticket purchases up 20170516190048 Create booths up 20170529215453 Create organizations up 20170530072155 Add type to cfps up 20170530112510 Create booth requests up 20170531094819 Move conferences to organizations up 20170603095900 Create physical tickets up 20170613224853 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170614025428 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20170629162450 Add short name to tracks up 20170629232817 Add ticket layout to conferences up 20170705075039 Add state cfp active and submitter reference to tracks up 20170711102511 Create ticket scannings up 20170712120556 Add room and dates to tracks up 20170715131706 Make track state not null and add default value up 20170720134353 Make track cfp active not null up 20170721001700 Add index to physical tickets up 20170721184810 Add custom domain to conferences up 20170726065629 Add relevance to tracks up 20170727081731 Add include booths to splashpages up 20170728182033 Add booth limit to conferences up 20170731161207 Add booths to email settings up 20170807092805 Add registration ticket to tickets up 20170809120927 Add track reference to schedule up 20170814174637 Add selected schedule to tracks up 20170905110034 Add description to cfps up 20170924190528 Add amount paid to ticket purchases up 20171118113113 Change visit id type of ahoy events to integer up 20171130172334 Rebuild conference pictures up 20171201163628 Add mastodon to contact up 20180226032958 Add created at and updated at to event types up 20180312100045 Create ahoy visits and events up 20180313012253 Add timestamps to tickets up 20180316185150 Add code of conduct to organization up 20180316220446 Add accepted code of conduct to registrations up 20180522011758 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20180822125509 Add submitted proposal attributes in email settings up 20180924221715 User email public defaults to false up 20181009000259 Drop ahoy events up 20181017183243 Add allow reservations on cfps up 20181113195810 Add youtube and blog to contacts up 20181229233811 Remove arrival departure from registrations up 20200331214534 Add organization to versions up 20200525194219 Use organization up 20200710065434 ********** NO FILE ********** up 20220312000831 Convert proposal questions to surveys up 20220401000955 Add send on event comment to email settings ```
AndrewKvalheim commented 2 years ago

This rollback failed due to a bug in the migration script; I accidentally populated its temporary file with the contents of another migration that we’re also bringing down. I’ve rolled it back manually now:

This wasn’t touched during the automated migration but we no longer use it. I’ve rolled it back manually as well:

These were superseded by 20220312000831_convert_proposal_questions_to_surveys and can’t be reverted:

I’m not sure if there’s a way to clean them from the migration log, but I don’t think it causes any problem to leave them.