SeaGL / seagl-terraform

Terraform used to maintain SeaGL's VMs, RDS database, DNS, etc.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1 stars 2 forks source link

Delete Nextcloud Office #53

Closed strugee closed 5 months ago

strugee commented 7 months ago

We're going to go with Dokku instead.


github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

Terraform Format and Style 🖌``

Terraform Initialization ⚙️success

Terraform Plan 📖success

Terraform Validation 🤖success

Show Plan ``` terraform module.prod_db.random_password.osem_db_master_pass: Refreshing state... [id=none]["22"]: Refreshing state... [id=b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75] Refreshing state... [id=2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50] Refreshing state... [id=4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4]["80"]: Refreshing state... [id=5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f]["443"]: Refreshing state... [id=f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e] Refreshing state... [id=cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5] Refreshing state... [id=b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79] Refreshing state... [id=321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg: Refreshing state... [id=ca23c054-f7fd-434e-ae5e-529242766ba3] Refreshing state... [] aws_instance.dokku: Refreshing state... [id=i-02ee81d4bd0860d30] module.prod_db.aws_db_subnet_group.osem: Refreshing state... [id=osem] data.aws_vpc.vpc: Reading... aws_s3_bucket.state: Refreshing state... [id=seagl-terraform] module.production_env.aws_ses_domain_identity.main: Refreshing state... [] module.production_env.aws_route53_zone.apex: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R] module.prod_db.aws_secretsmanager_secret.osem-db-pass: Refreshing state... [id=arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:663166083306:secret:db-pass-osem-5KW1mS] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress: Refreshing state... [id=bc3215ca-0357-4914-877c-93bd69071fb2] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance: Refreshing state... [id=c388c80b-fa29-40fe-ae0b-e93803e87b22] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress: Refreshing state... [id=8fa82fbe-3b58-4f1d-beb3-a371cd7006a1] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress: Refreshing state... [id=536162a0-b5d8-40f4-a1e5-62327d031c34] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["143"]: Refreshing state... [id=2643a76b-3fbd-44cc-aebf-58a1e982d69f] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["25"]: Refreshing state... [id=e44bcd67-f3e4-4399-a243-40f611c305ac] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["443"]: Refreshing state... [id=4122edd4-dc37-46dd-8f6e-2e4db2e79dc3] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["995"]: Refreshing state... [id=05bbe377-1579-4e54-a92f-88b6cca34449] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["110"]: Refreshing state... [id=ea335d3e-b5c9-4606-bd8d-238afafe2210] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["993"]: Refreshing state... [id=20cea76b-b319-474f-97ed-1f609c5c6e0d] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["465"]: Refreshing state... [id=87d006c0-aec4-4ae4-8999-b156e40950e4] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["22"]: Refreshing state... [id=145b0c38-a81b-4d83-ac82-3cf680eced41] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["80"]: Refreshing state... [id=4abb1ded-c162-4de8-b90d-6c40a9061c09] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["587"]: Refreshing state... [id=60dca189-4b69-4838-b9b7-47e25f9822cd] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-dkim: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_dkim._domainkey.mail-test.seagl.org_TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.dokku_wildcard: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_*.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-dmarc: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__dmarc.mail-test.seagl.org_TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-cname: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_autoconfig.mail-test.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-mx: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_mail-test.seagl.org_MX] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.route_53_root_txt: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_imaps._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__imaps._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_pop3._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__pop3._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_pop3s._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__pop3s._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_submission._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__submission._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_submissions._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__submissions._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_imap._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__imap._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_autodiscover._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__autodiscover._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-spf: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_mail-test.seagl.org_TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.route_53_dmarc_txt: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__dmarc.seagl.org_TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-a: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_mail.mail-test.seagl.org_A] module.production_env.aws_ses_domain_dkim.email_dkim: Refreshing state... [] aws_route53_record.route_53_cloud_txt: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_cloud.seagl.org_TXT] Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_cloud.seagl.org_A] Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_cloud.seagl.org_AAAA] aws_route53_record.email_dkim_hubspot_records["hs1-40081384"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_hs1-40081384._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] aws_route53_record.email_dkim_hubspot_records["hs2-40081384"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_hs2-40081384._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] module.prod_db.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.osem-db-pass-val: Refreshing state... [id=arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:663166083306:secret:db-pass-osem-5KW1mS|5E8ED816-E9AA-4E8E-A382-2EEE9FC74A66] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.aws_route53_record.dns-a: Refreshing state... [] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[1]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_zjerfwsrr5wpwp5p5klnsrrzp6ralpcp._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[2]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_o7o3tsrrlwgkmmx3a7f5njkrvi75woso._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[0]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_nldzqxeyq5fyslu3tzvj4ltbwbexupuj._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] data.aws_vpc.vpc: Read complete after 2s [id=vpc-231ecb46] module.prod_db.aws_security_group.osem_rds_security_group: Refreshing state... [id=sg-006c493d98f3c7f1a] module.prod_db.aws_security_group_rule.private_out: Refreshing state... [id=sgrule-1612436969] module.prod_db.aws_security_group_rule.private_in: Refreshing state... [id=sgrule-3182957500] module.prod_db.aws_db_instance.osem: Refreshing state... [id=osem] aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.state: Refreshing state... [id=seagl-terraform] aws_s3_bucket_versioning.state: Refreshing state... [id=seagl-terraform] Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform apply" which may have affected this plan: # module.production_env.aws_ses_domain_dkim.email_dkim has been deleted - resource "aws_ses_domain_dkim" "email_dkim" { - dkim_tokens = [ - "nldzqxeyq5fyslu3tzvj4ltbwbexupuj", - "zjerfwsrr5wpwp5p5klnsrrzp6ralpcp", - "o7o3tsrrlwgkmmx3a7f5njkrvi75woso", ] -> null id = "" # (1 unchanged attribute hidden) } # module.production_env.aws_ses_domain_identity.main has been deleted - resource "aws_ses_domain_identity" "main" { - domain = "" -> null id = "" # (2 unchanged attributes hidden) } Unless you have made equivalent changes to your configuration, or ignored the relevant attributes using ignore_changes, the following plan may include actions to undo or respond to these changes. ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create - destroy -/+ destroy and then create replacement Terraform will perform the following actions: # module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[0] must be replaced -/+ resource "aws_route53_record" "email_dkim_records" { + allow_overwrite = (known after apply) ~ fqdn = "" -> (known after apply) ~ id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_nldzqxeyq5fyslu3tzvj4ltbwbexupuj._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME" -> (known after apply) ~ name = "" # forces replacement -> (known after apply) # forces replacement ~ records = [ - "", ] -> (known after apply) # (3 unchanged attributes hidden) } # module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[1] must be replaced -/+ resource "aws_route53_record" "email_dkim_records" { + allow_overwrite = (known after apply) ~ fqdn = "" -> (known after apply) ~ id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_zjerfwsrr5wpwp5p5klnsrrzp6ralpcp._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME" -> (known after apply) ~ name = "" # forces replacement -> (known after apply) # forces replacement ~ records = [ - "", ] -> (known after apply) # (3 unchanged attributes hidden) } # module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[2] must be replaced -/+ resource "aws_route53_record" "email_dkim_records" { + allow_overwrite = (known after apply) ~ fqdn = "" -> (known after apply) ~ id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_o7o3tsrrlwgkmmx3a7f5njkrvi75woso._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME" -> (known after apply) ~ name = "" # forces replacement -> (known after apply) # forces replacement ~ records = [ - "", ] -> (known after apply) # (3 unchanged attributes hidden) } # module.production_env.aws_ses_domain_dkim.email_dkim will be created + resource "aws_ses_domain_dkim" "email_dkim" { + dkim_tokens = (known after apply) + domain = "" + id = (known after apply) } # module.production_env.aws_ses_domain_identity.main will be created + resource "aws_ses_domain_identity" "main" { + arn = (known after apply) + domain = "" + id = (known after apply) + verification_token = (known after apply) } # will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.dns-a is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "dns-a" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "" -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "A" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "instance" { - access_ip_v4 = "" -> null - all_metadata = {} -> null - all_tags = [] -> null - availability_zone = "nova" -> null - created = "2024-03-13 02:30:02 +0000 UTC" -> null - flavor_id = "fc120229-6d44-4751-8f2b-c6b375e2b851" -> null - flavor_name = "m1.small" -> null - force_delete = false -> null - id = "321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba" -> null - image_id = "Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied" -> null - key_pair = "AJ OpenStack bootstrap" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - power_state = "active" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - security_groups = [ - "nc-office", ] -> null - stop_before_destroy = false -> null - tags = [] -> null - updated = "2024-03-13 02:30:14 +0000 UTC" -> null - block_device { - boot_index = 0 -> null - delete_on_termination = true -> null - destination_type = "volume" -> null - source_type = "image" -> null - uuid = "5e7b09b5-03f1-4f01-bc1b-41db2e1b09d1" -> null - volume_size = 15 -> null } - network { - access_network = false -> null - fixed_ip_v4 = "" -> null - mac = "fa:16:3e:2a:6c:2e" -> null - name = "general_servers2" -> null - uuid = "bcfb335b-cf70-4acf-8cb7-fcf15f890a0f" -> null } } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "icmp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - protocol = "icmp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv4-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv6-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv6" -> null - id = "cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "::/0" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["22"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75" -> null - port_range_max = 22 -> null - port_range_min = 22 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["443"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e" -> null - port_range_max = 443 -> null - port_range_min = 443 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["80"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f" -> null - port_range_max = 80 -> null - port_range_min = 80 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_v2" "main-sg" { - all_tags = [] -> null - delete_default_rules = true -> null - id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - tags = [] -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } Plan: 5 to add, 0 to change, 12 to destroy. Warning: Argument is deprecated with aws_s3_bucket.state, on line 1, in resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state": 1: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state" { Use the aws_s3_bucket_versioning resource instead (and 3 more similar warnings elsewhere) ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Note: You didn't use the -out option to save this plan, so Terraform can't guarantee to take exactly these actions if you run "terraform apply" now. ```

Pushed by: @strugee, Action: pull_request

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

Terraform Format and Style 🖌``

Terraform Initialization ⚙️success

Terraform Plan 📖success

Terraform Validation 🤖success

Show Plan ``` terraform module.prod_db.random_password.osem_db_master_pass: Refreshing state... [id=none]["80"]: Refreshing state... [id=5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f] Refreshing state... [id=cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5] Refreshing state... [id=2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50] Refreshing state... [id=b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg: Refreshing state... [id=ca23c054-f7fd-434e-ae5e-529242766ba3] Refreshing state... [id=4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4]["22"]: Refreshing state... [id=b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75] Refreshing state... [id=321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba]["443"]: Refreshing state... [id=f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress: Refreshing state... [id=bc3215ca-0357-4914-877c-93bd69071fb2] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress: Refreshing state... [id=8fa82fbe-3b58-4f1d-beb3-a371cd7006a1] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["993"]: Refreshing state... [id=20cea76b-b319-474f-97ed-1f609c5c6e0d] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress: Refreshing state... [id=536162a0-b5d8-40f4-a1e5-62327d031c34] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["995"]: Refreshing state... [id=05bbe377-1579-4e54-a92f-88b6cca34449] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["587"]: Refreshing state... [id=60dca189-4b69-4838-b9b7-47e25f9822cd] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["25"]: Refreshing state... [id=e44bcd67-f3e4-4399-a243-40f611c305ac] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance: Refreshing state... [id=c388c80b-fa29-40fe-ae0b-e93803e87b22] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["143"]: Refreshing state... [id=2643a76b-3fbd-44cc-aebf-58a1e982d69f] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["80"]: Refreshing state... [id=4abb1ded-c162-4de8-b90d-6c40a9061c09] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["110"]: Refreshing state... [id=ea335d3e-b5c9-4606-bd8d-238afafe2210] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["22"]: Refreshing state... [id=145b0c38-a81b-4d83-ac82-3cf680eced41] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["443"]: Refreshing state... [id=4122edd4-dc37-46dd-8f6e-2e4db2e79dc3] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress["465"]: Refreshing state... [id=87d006c0-aec4-4ae4-8999-b156e40950e4] Refreshing state... [] aws_instance.dokku: Refreshing state... [id=i-02ee81d4bd0860d30] aws_s3_bucket.state: Refreshing state... [id=seagl-terraform] module.prod_db.aws_db_subnet_group.osem: Refreshing state... [id=osem] module.prod_db.aws_secretsmanager_secret.osem-db-pass: Refreshing state... [id=arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:663166083306:secret:db-pass-osem-5KW1mS] module.production_env.aws_ses_domain_identity.main: Refreshing state... [] data.aws_vpc.vpc: Reading... module.production_env.aws_route53_zone.apex: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R] module.production_env.aws_ses_domain_dkim.email_dkim: Refreshing state... [] module.prod_db.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.osem-db-pass-val: Refreshing state... [id=arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:663166083306:secret:db-pass-osem-5KW1mS|5E8ED816-E9AA-4E8E-A382-2EEE9FC74A66] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.dokku_wildcard: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_*.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.route_53_root_txt: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-dkim: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_dkim._domainkey.mail-test.seagl.org_TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-spf: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_mail-test.seagl.org_TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_autodiscover._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__autodiscover._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_pop3._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__pop3._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_pop3s._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__pop3s._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] data.aws_vpc.vpc: Read complete after 1s [id=vpc-231ecb46] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_submission._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__submission._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_submissions._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__submissions._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_imap._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__imap._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-srv["_imaps._tcp"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__imaps._tcp.mail-test.seagl.org_SRV] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-autoconfig-cname: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_autoconfig.mail-test.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[1]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_zjerfwsrr5wpwp5p5klnsrrzp6ralpcp._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-a: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_mail.mail-test.seagl.org_A] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[2]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_o7o3tsrrlwgkmmx3a7f5njkrvi75woso._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.email_dkim_records[0]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_nldzqxeyq5fyslu3tzvj4ltbwbexupuj._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.route_53_dmarc_txt: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__dmarc.seagl.org_TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-dmarc: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R__dmarc.mail-test.seagl.org_TXT] module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-test-mx: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_mail-test.seagl.org_MX] Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_cloud.seagl.org_A] module.production_env.module.mailu-vm.aws_route53_record.dns-a: Refreshing state... [] Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_cloud.seagl.org_AAAA] aws_route53_record.route_53_cloud_txt: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_cloud.seagl.org_TXT] aws_route53_record.email_dkim_hubspot_records["hs1-40081384"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_hs1-40081384._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] aws_route53_record.email_dkim_hubspot_records["hs2-40081384"]: Refreshing state... [id=Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_hs2-40081384._domainkey.seagl.org_CNAME] module.prod_db.aws_security_group.osem_rds_security_group: Refreshing state... [id=sg-006c493d98f3c7f1a] module.prod_db.aws_security_group_rule.private_out: Refreshing state... [id=sgrule-1612436969] module.prod_db.aws_security_group_rule.private_in: Refreshing state... [id=sgrule-3182957500] module.prod_db.aws_db_instance.osem: Refreshing state... [id=osem] aws_s3_bucket_versioning.state: Refreshing state... [id=seagl-terraform] aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.state: Refreshing state... [id=seagl-terraform] Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.dns-a is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "dns-a" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "" -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "A" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "instance" { - access_ip_v4 = "" -> null - all_metadata = {} -> null - all_tags = [] -> null - availability_zone = "nova" -> null - created = "2024-03-13 02:30:02 +0000 UTC" -> null - flavor_id = "fc120229-6d44-4751-8f2b-c6b375e2b851" -> null - flavor_name = "m1.small" -> null - force_delete = false -> null - id = "321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba" -> null - image_id = "Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied" -> null - key_pair = "AJ OpenStack bootstrap" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - power_state = "active" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - security_groups = [ - "nc-office", ] -> null - stop_before_destroy = false -> null - tags = [] -> null - updated = "2024-03-13 02:30:14 +0000 UTC" -> null - block_device { - boot_index = 0 -> null - delete_on_termination = true -> null - destination_type = "volume" -> null - source_type = "image" -> null - uuid = "5e7b09b5-03f1-4f01-bc1b-41db2e1b09d1" -> null - volume_size = 15 -> null } - network { - access_network = false -> null - fixed_ip_v4 = "" -> null - mac = "fa:16:3e:2a:6c:2e" -> null - name = "general_servers2" -> null - uuid = "bcfb335b-cf70-4acf-8cb7-fcf15f890a0f" -> null } } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "icmp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - protocol = "icmp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv4-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv6-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv6" -> null - id = "cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "::/0" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["22"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75" -> null - port_range_max = 22 -> null - port_range_min = 22 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["443"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e" -> null - port_range_max = 443 -> null - port_range_min = 443 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["80"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f" -> null - port_range_max = 80 -> null - port_range_min = 80 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_v2" "main-sg" { - all_tags = [] -> null - delete_default_rules = true -> null - id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - tags = [] -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 9 to destroy. Warning: Argument is deprecated with aws_s3_bucket.state, on line 1, in resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state": 1: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state" { Use the aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration resource instead (and 3 more similar warnings elsewhere) ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Note: You didn't use the -out option to save this plan, so Terraform can't guarantee to take exactly these actions if you run "terraform apply" now. ```

Pushed by: @strugee, Action: pull_request

seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 7 months ago

Ran Plan for dir: . workspace: default

Show Output ```diff Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-server will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.mailu-server is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "mailu-server" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_mail.seagl.org_CNAME" -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "CNAME" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.dns-a is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "dns-a" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "" -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "A" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "instance" { - access_ip_v4 = "" -> null - all_metadata = {} -> null - all_tags = [] -> null - availability_zone = "nova" -> null - created = "2024-03-13 02:30:02 +0000 UTC" -> null - flavor_id = "fc120229-6d44-4751-8f2b-c6b375e2b851" -> null - flavor_name = "m1.small" -> null - force_delete = false -> null - id = "321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba" -> null - image_id = "Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied" -> null - key_pair = "AJ OpenStack bootstrap" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - power_state = "active" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - security_groups = [ - "nc-office", ] -> null - stop_before_destroy = false -> null - tags = [] -> null - updated = "2024-03-13 02:30:14 +0000 UTC" -> null - block_device { - boot_index = 0 -> null - delete_on_termination = true -> null - destination_type = "volume" -> null - source_type = "image" -> null - uuid = "5e7b09b5-03f1-4f01-bc1b-41db2e1b09d1" -> null - volume_size = 15 -> null } - network { - access_network = false -> null - fixed_ip_v4 = "" -> null - mac = "fa:16:3e:2a:6c:2e" -> null - name = "general_servers2" -> null - uuid = "bcfb335b-cf70-4acf-8cb7-fcf15f890a0f" -> null } } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "icmp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - protocol = "icmp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv4-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv6-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv6" -> null - id = "cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "::/0" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["22"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75" -> null - port_range_max = 22 -> null - port_range_min = 22 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["443"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e" -> null - port_range_max = 443 -> null - port_range_min = 443 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["80"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f" -> null - port_range_max = 80 -> null - port_range_min = 80 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_v2" "main-sg" { - all_tags = [] -> null - delete_default_rules = true -> null - id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - tags = [] -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 10 to destroy. ╷ │ Warning: Argument is deprecated │ │ with aws_s3_bucket.state, │ on line 1, in resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state": │ 1: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state" { │ │ Use the aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration resource instead │ │ (and 3 more similar warnings elsewhere) ╵ ``` * :arrow_forward: To **apply** this plan, comment: * `atlantis apply -d .` * :put_litter_in_its_place: To **delete** this plan click [here]( * :repeat: To **plan** this project again, comment: * `atlantis plan -d .`

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 10 to destroy.

seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 7 months ago

Warning: The plan for dir: . workspace: default was discarded via the Atlantis UI.

To apply this plan you must run plan again.

strugee commented 7 months ago

atlantis plan

seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 7 months ago

Ran Plan for dir: . workspace: default

Show Output ```diff Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # module.production_env.aws_route53_record.mailu-server will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.mailu-server is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "mailu-server" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R_mail.seagl.org_CNAME" -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "CNAME" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.dns-a is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "dns-a" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "" -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "A" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "instance" { - access_ip_v4 = "" -> null - all_metadata = {} -> null - all_tags = [] -> null - availability_zone = "nova" -> null - created = "2024-03-13 02:30:02 +0000 UTC" -> null - flavor_id = "fc120229-6d44-4751-8f2b-c6b375e2b851" -> null - flavor_name = "m1.small" -> null - force_delete = false -> null - id = "321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba" -> null - image_id = "Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied" -> null - key_pair = "AJ OpenStack bootstrap" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - power_state = "active" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - security_groups = [ - "nc-office", ] -> null - stop_before_destroy = false -> null - tags = [] -> null - updated = "2024-03-13 02:30:14 +0000 UTC" -> null - block_device { - boot_index = 0 -> null - delete_on_termination = true -> null - destination_type = "volume" -> null - source_type = "image" -> null - uuid = "5e7b09b5-03f1-4f01-bc1b-41db2e1b09d1" -> null - volume_size = 15 -> null } - network { - access_network = false -> null - fixed_ip_v4 = "" -> null - mac = "fa:16:3e:2a:6c:2e" -> null - name = "general_servers2" -> null - uuid = "bcfb335b-cf70-4acf-8cb7-fcf15f890a0f" -> null } } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "icmp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - protocol = "icmp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv4-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv6-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv6" -> null - id = "cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "::/0" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["22"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75" -> null - port_range_max = 22 -> null - port_range_min = 22 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["443"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e" -> null - port_range_max = 443 -> null - port_range_min = 443 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["80"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f" -> null - port_range_max = 80 -> null - port_range_min = 80 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_v2" "main-sg" { - all_tags = [] -> null - delete_default_rules = true -> null - id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - tags = [] -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 10 to destroy. ╷ │ Warning: Argument is deprecated │ │ with aws_s3_bucket.state, │ on line 1, in resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state": │ 1: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state" { │ │ Use the aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration resource instead │ │ (and 3 more similar warnings elsewhere) ╵ ``` * :arrow_forward: To **apply** this plan, comment: * `atlantis apply -d .` * :put_litter_in_its_place: To **delete** this plan click [here]( * :repeat: To **plan** this project again, comment: * `atlantis plan -d .`

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 10 to destroy.

seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 7 months ago

Ran Plan for dir: . workspace: default

Show Output ```diff Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.dns-a is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "dns-a" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "" -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "A" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "instance" { - access_ip_v4 = "" -> null - all_metadata = {} -> null - all_tags = [] -> null - availability_zone = "nova" -> null - created = "2024-03-13 02:30:02 +0000 UTC" -> null - flavor_id = "fc120229-6d44-4751-8f2b-c6b375e2b851" -> null - flavor_name = "m1.small" -> null - force_delete = false -> null - id = "321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba" -> null - image_id = "Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied" -> null - key_pair = "AJ OpenStack bootstrap" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - power_state = "active" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - security_groups = [ - "nc-office", ] -> null - stop_before_destroy = false -> null - tags = [] -> null - updated = "2024-03-13 02:30:14 +0000 UTC" -> null - block_device { - boot_index = 0 -> null - delete_on_termination = true -> null - destination_type = "volume" -> null - source_type = "image" -> null - uuid = "5e7b09b5-03f1-4f01-bc1b-41db2e1b09d1" -> null - volume_size = 15 -> null } - network { - access_network = false -> null - fixed_ip_v4 = "" -> null - mac = "fa:16:3e:2a:6c:2e" -> null - name = "general_servers2" -> null - uuid = "bcfb335b-cf70-4acf-8cb7-fcf15f890a0f" -> null } } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "icmp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - protocol = "icmp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv4-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv6-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv6" -> null - id = "cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "::/0" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["22"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75" -> null - port_range_max = 22 -> null - port_range_min = 22 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["443"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e" -> null - port_range_max = 443 -> null - port_range_min = 443 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["80"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f" -> null - port_range_max = 80 -> null - port_range_min = 80 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_v2" "main-sg" { - all_tags = [] -> null - delete_default_rules = true -> null - id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - tags = [] -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 9 to destroy. ╷ │ Warning: Argument is deprecated │ │ with aws_s3_bucket.state, │ on line 1, in resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state": │ 1: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state" { │ │ Use the aws_s3_bucket_versioning resource instead │ │ (and 3 more similar warnings elsewhere) ╵ ``` * :arrow_forward: To **apply** this plan, comment: * `atlantis apply -d .` * :put_litter_in_its_place: To **delete** this plan click [here]( * :repeat: To **plan** this project again, comment: * `atlantis plan -d .`

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 9 to destroy.

strugee commented 5 months ago

atlantis apply

seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 5 months ago

Apply Error

stat /home/atlantis/.atlantis/repos/SeaGL/seagl-terraform/53: no such file or directory
strugee commented 5 months ago

atlantis plan

seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 5 months ago

Ran Plan for dir: . workspace: default

Show Output ```diff Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: ~ update in-place - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # aws_db_instance.pretalx will be destroyed # (because aws_db_instance.pretalx is not in configuration) - resource "aws_db_instance" "pretalx" { - address = "" -> null - allocated_storage = 10 -> null - apply_immediately = false -> null - arn = "arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:663166083306:db:pretalx-prod" -> null - auto_minor_version_upgrade = true -> null - availability_zone = "us-west-2b" -> null - backup_retention_period = 7 -> null - backup_window = "12:56-13:26" -> null - ca_cert_identifier = "rds-ca-rsa2048-g1" -> null - copy_tags_to_snapshot = false -> null - customer_owned_ip_enabled = false -> null - db_subnet_group_name = "pretalx-prod" -> null - delete_automated_backups = true -> null - deletion_protection = true -> null - enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = [] -> null - endpoint = "" -> null - engine = "postgres" -> null - engine_version = "13.14" -> null - engine_version_actual = "13.14" -> null - hosted_zone_id = "Z1PVIF0B656C1W" -> null - iam_database_authentication_enabled = false -> null - id = "pretalx-prod" -> null - identifier = "pretalx-prod" -> null - instance_class = "db.t4g.micro" -> null - iops = 0 -> null - latest_restorable_time = "2024-05-22T00:39:30Z" -> null - license_model = "postgresql-license" -> null - maintenance_window = "sun:10:16-sun:10:46" -> null - max_allocated_storage = 100 -> null - monitoring_interval = 0 -> null - multi_az = false -> null - name = "pretalx" -> null - option_group_name = "default:postgres-13" -> null - parameter_group_name = "default.postgres13" -> null - performance_insights_enabled = false -> null - performance_insights_retention_period = 0 -> null - port = 5432 -> null - publicly_accessible = false -> null - replicas = [] -> null - resource_id = "db-ZSKVASVVRE2UXYC2O2CCIXPLI4" -> null - security_group_names = [] -> null - skip_final_snapshot = false -> null - status = "available" -> null - storage_encrypted = false -> null - storage_type = "gp2" -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - username = "pretalxadmin" -> null - vpc_security_group_ids = [ - "sg-0716becbd9c8081d9", ] -> null } # aws_db_subnet_group.pretalx will be destroyed # (because aws_db_subnet_group.pretalx is not in configuration) - resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "pretalx" { - arn = "arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:663166083306:subgrp:pretalx-prod" -> null - description = "Managed by Terraform" -> null - id = "pretalx-prod" -> null - name = "pretalx-prod" -> null - subnet_ids = [ - "subnet-5a826503", - "subnet-8b7adbee", - "subnet-d507c0a2", ] -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null } # aws_instance.dokku will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_instance" "dokku" { id = "i-02ee81d4bd0860d30" ~ instance_type = "t3.medium" -> "t3.small" tags = { "Name" = "" } # (29 unchanged attributes hidden) # (5 unchanged blocks hidden) } # aws_security_group.pretalx-rds-security-group will be destroyed # (because aws_security_group.pretalx-rds-security-group is not in configuration) - resource "aws_security_group" "pretalx-rds-security-group" { - arn = "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:663166083306:security-group/sg-0716becbd9c8081d9" -> null - description = "Managed by Terraform" -> null - egress = [ - { - cidr_blocks = [ - "", ] - description = "" - from_port = 0 - ipv6_cidr_blocks = [] - prefix_list_ids = [] - protocol = "-1" - security_groups = [] - self = false - to_port = 0 }, ] -> null - id = "sg-0716becbd9c8081d9" -> null - ingress = [ - { - cidr_blocks = [ - "", ] - description = "" - from_port = 0 - ipv6_cidr_blocks = [] - prefix_list_ids = [] - protocol = "-1" - security_groups = [] - self = false - to_port = 0 }, ] -> null - name = "pretalx-rds-prod" -> null - owner_id = "663166083306" -> null - revoke_rules_on_delete = false -> null - tags = {} -> null - tags_all = {} -> null - vpc_id = "vpc-231ecb46" -> null } # aws_security_group_rule.pretalx-rds-in will be destroyed # (because aws_security_group_rule.pretalx-rds-in is not in configuration) - resource "aws_security_group_rule" "pretalx-rds-in" { - cidr_blocks = [ - "", ] -> null - from_port = 0 -> null - id = "sgrule-464759209" -> null - ipv6_cidr_blocks = [] -> null - prefix_list_ids = [] -> null - protocol = "-1" -> null - security_group_id = "sg-0716becbd9c8081d9" -> null - self = false -> null - to_port = 0 -> null - type = "ingress" -> null } # aws_security_group_rule.pretalx-rds-out will be destroyed # (because aws_security_group_rule.pretalx-rds-out is not in configuration) - resource "aws_security_group_rule" "pretalx-rds-out" { - cidr_blocks = [ - "", ] -> null - from_port = 0 -> null - id = "sgrule-2790748758" -> null - ipv6_cidr_blocks = [] -> null - prefix_list_ids = [] -> null - protocol = "-1" -> null - security_group_id = "sg-0716becbd9c8081d9" -> null - self = false -> null - to_port = 0 -> null - type = "egress" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.dns-a is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "dns-a" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "" -> null - multivalue_answer_routing_policy = false -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "A" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "instance" { - access_ip_v4 = "" -> null - all_metadata = {} -> null - all_tags = [] -> null - availability_zone = "nova" -> null - created = "2024-03-13 02:30:02 +0000 UTC" -> null - flavor_id = "fc120229-6d44-4751-8f2b-c6b375e2b851" -> null - flavor_name = "m1.small" -> null - force_delete = false -> null - id = "321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba" -> null - image_id = "Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied" -> null - key_pair = "AJ OpenStack bootstrap" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - power_state = "active" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - security_groups = [ - "nc-office", ] -> null - stop_before_destroy = false -> null - tags = [] -> null - updated = "2024-03-13 02:30:14 +0000 UTC" -> null - block_device { - boot_index = 0 -> null - delete_on_termination = true -> null - destination_type = "volume" -> null - source_type = "image" -> null - uuid = "5e7b09b5-03f1-4f01-bc1b-41db2e1b09d1" -> null - volume_size = 15 -> null } - network { - access_network = false -> null - fixed_ip_v4 = "" -> null - mac = "fa:16:3e:2a:6c:2e" -> null - name = "general_servers2" -> null - uuid = "bcfb335b-cf70-4acf-8cb7-fcf15f890a0f" -> null } } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "icmp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - protocol = "icmp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv4-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv6-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv6" -> null - id = "cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "::/0" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["22"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75" -> null - port_range_max = 22 -> null - port_range_min = 22 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["443"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e" -> null - port_range_max = 443 -> null - port_range_min = 443 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["80"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f" -> null - port_range_max = 80 -> null - port_range_min = 80 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_v2" "main-sg" { - all_tags = [] -> null - delete_default_rules = true -> null - id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - tags = [] -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 14 to destroy. ╷ │ Warning: Argument is deprecated │ │ with aws_s3_bucket.state, │ on line 1, in resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state": │ 1: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "state" { │ │ Use the aws_s3_bucket_versioning resource instead │ │ (and 3 more similar warnings elsewhere) ╵ ``` * :arrow_forward: To **apply** this plan, comment: * `atlantis apply -d .` * :put_litter_in_its_place: To **delete** this plan click [here]( * :repeat: To **plan** this project again, comment: * `atlantis plan -d .`

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 14 to destroy.

seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 5 months ago

Ran Plan for dir: . workspace: default

Show Output ```diff Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: ~ update in-place - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # aws_db_instance.pretalx will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_db_instance" "pretalx" { - deletion_protection = true -> null id = "pretalx-prod" name = "pretalx" tags = {} # (51 unchanged attributes hidden) } # will be destroyed # (because aws_route53_record.dns-a is not in configuration) - resource "aws_route53_record" "dns-a" { - fqdn = "" -> null - id = "" -> null - multivalue_answer_routing_policy = false -> null - name = "" -> null - records = [ - "", ] -> null - ttl = 300 -> null - type = "A" -> null - zone_id = "Z0173878287JIU5M4KB8R" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "instance" { - access_ip_v4 = "" -> null - all_metadata = {} -> null - all_tags = [] -> null - availability_zone = "nova" -> null - created = "2024-03-13 02:30:02 +0000 UTC" -> null - flavor_id = "fc120229-6d44-4751-8f2b-c6b375e2b851" -> null - flavor_name = "m1.small" -> null - force_delete = false -> null - id = "321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba" -> null - image_id = "Attempt to boot from volume - no image supplied" -> null - key_pair = "AJ OpenStack bootstrap" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - power_state = "active" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - security_groups = [ - "nc-office", ] -> null - stop_before_destroy = false -> null - tags = [] -> null - updated = "2024-03-13 02:30:14 +0000 UTC" -> null - block_device { - boot_index = 0 -> null - delete_on_termination = true -> null - destination_type = "volume" -> null - multiattach = false -> null - source_type = "image" -> null - uuid = "5e7b09b5-03f1-4f01-bc1b-41db2e1b09d1" -> null - volume_size = 15 -> null } - network { - access_network = false -> null - fixed_ip_v4 = "" -> null - mac = "fa:16:3e:2a:6c:2e" -> null - name = "general_servers2" -> null - uuid = "bcfb335b-cf70-4acf-8cb7-fcf15f890a0f" -> null } } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.icmp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "icmp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - protocol = "icmp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv4-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv4-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.ipv6-egress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "ipv6-egress" { - direction = "egress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv6" -> null - id = "cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5" -> null - port_range_max = 0 -> null - port_range_min = 0 -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "::/0" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["22"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75" -> null - port_range_max = 22 -> null - port_range_min = 22 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["443"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e" -> null - port_range_max = 443 -> null - port_range_min = 443 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } #["80"] will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2.tcp4-ingress is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "tcp4-ingress" { - direction = "ingress" -> null - ethertype = "IPv4" -> null - id = "5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f" -> null - port_range_max = 80 -> null - port_range_min = 80 -> null - protocol = "tcp" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - remote_ip_prefix = "" -> null - security_group_id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } # will be destroyed # (because openstack_networking_secgroup_v2.main-sg is not in configuration) - resource "openstack_networking_secgroup_v2" "main-sg" { - all_tags = [] -> null - delete_default_rules = true -> null - id = "4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4" -> null - name = "nc-office" -> null - region = "RegionOne" -> null - tags = [] -> null - tenant_id = "03cbb624d5be494d95af475e74fcb47b" -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 9 to destroy. ╷ │ Warning: Argument is deprecated │ │ with provider[""], │ on line 30, in provider "openstack": │ 30: provider "openstack" { │ │ Users not using loadbalancer resources can ignore this message. Support for │ neutron-lbaas will be removed on next major release. Octavia will be the │ only supported method for loadbalancer resources. Users using octavia will │ have to remove 'use_octavia' option from the provider configuration block. │ Users using neutron-lbaas will have to migrate/upgrade to octavia. │ │ (and 7 more similar warnings elsewhere) ╵ ``` * :arrow_forward: To **apply** this plan, comment: * `atlantis apply -d .` * :put_litter_in_its_place: To **delete** this plan click [here]( * :repeat: To **plan** this project again, comment: * `atlantis plan -d .`

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 9 to destroy.

strugee commented 5 months ago

atlantis apply

seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 5 months ago

Ran Apply for dir: . workspace: default

Show Output ```diff["443"]: Destroying... [id=f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e] Destroying... [id=b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79] Destroying... [id=cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5]["22"]: Destroying... [id=b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75] Destroying... [id=2373bb0c-08d7-4d05-9101-8194e7a86b50]["80"]: Destroying... [id=5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f] Destroying... [] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Modifying... [id=pretalx-prod] Destruction complete after 6s["443"]: Still destroying... [id=f9de80b9-a92e-4629-96a6-4a896cbf9f9e, 10s elapsed] Still destroying... [id=cb85269b-39fc-4169-8fd2-ba7e360b16e5, 10s elapsed] Still destroying... [id=b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79, 10s elapsed]["22"]: Still destroying... [id=b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75, 10s elapsed]["80"]: Still destroying... [id=5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f, 10s elapsed] Still destroying... [, 10s elapsed] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Still modifying... [id=pretalx-prod, 10s elapsed]["443"]: Destruction complete after 12s Destruction complete after 17s Still destroying... [id=b4c16127-ae56-48c8-aa65-ca37c49c9c79, 20s elapsed]["22"]: Still destroying... [id=b88334fc-505c-4849-824c-11f03eb59e75, 20s elapsed]["80"]: Still destroying... [id=5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f, 20s elapsed] Still destroying... [, 20s elapsed] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Still modifying... [id=pretalx-prod, 20s elapsed]["22"]: Destruction complete after 22s Destruction complete after 27s["80"]: Still destroying... [id=5b266c7d-c72b-4395-a8fe-43ed8df1aa6f, 30s elapsed] Still destroying... [, 30s elapsed] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Still modifying... [id=pretalx-prod, 30s elapsed]["80"]: Destruction complete after 32s Still destroying... [, 40s elapsed] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Still modifying... [id=pretalx-prod, 40s elapsed] Still destroying... [, 50s elapsed] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Still modifying... [id=pretalx-prod, 50s elapsed] Destruction complete after 54s Destroying... [id=321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Still modifying... [id=pretalx-prod, 1m0s elapsed] Still destroying... [id=321fae7f-cbe4-4237-a44e-49c748d82dba, 10s elapsed] Destruction complete after 10s Destroying... [id=4d84c1c5-484b-45a1-a23f-b32d367f41b4] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Still modifying... [id=pretalx-prod, 1m10s elapsed] Destruction complete after 8s aws_db_instance.pretalx: Still modifying... [id=pretalx-prod, 1m20s elapsed] aws_db_instance.pretalx: Modifications complete after 1m21s [id=pretalx-prod] ╷ │ Warning: Argument is deprecated │ │ with provider[""], │ on line 30, in provider "openstack": │ 30: provider "openstack" { │ │ Users not using loadbalancer resources can ignore this message. Support for │ neutron-lbaas will be removed on next major release. Octavia will be the │ only supported method for loadbalancer resources. Users using octavia will │ have to remove 'use_octavia' option from the provider configuration block. │ Users using neutron-lbaas will have to migrate/upgrade to octavia. ╵ Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 9 destroyed. ```
seagl-atlantis[bot] commented 5 months ago

Locks and plans deleted for the projects and workspaces modified in this pull request: