SeaQL / sea-orm

🐚 An async & dynamic ORM for Rust
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Insert an active model and get back the last insert id doesn't work with autoincrement #2151

Open Razzwan opened 3 months ago

Razzwan commented 3 months ago


Insert an active model and get back the last insert id doesn't work with autoincrement id.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create migration and generate a model
    #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, Eq)]
    #[sea_orm(table_name = "fruit")]
    pub struct Model {
    pub id: i32,
  2. Insert an active model and get back the last insert id using static method
    let pear = fruit::ActiveModel {
    ..Default::default() // just only autoincremented id here

let res: InsertResult = Fruit::insert(pear).exec(db).await?;

### Expected Behavior

It must insert and return saved id

### Actual Behavior

It leads an error:

"Custom Error: Custom Error: Attribute id is NotSet"

### Reproduces How Often

All the time

### Workarounds

Don't use static method and use such one instead:
let pear = fruit::ActiveModel {

let pear: fruit::Model = pear.insert(db).await?;

Reproducible Example

  1. Run migration:
    use sea_orm_migration::prelude::*;


pub struct Migration;


impl MigrationTrait for Migration { async fn up(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> { manager .create_table( Table::create() .table(Fruit::Table) .if_not_exists() .col( ColumnDef::new(Fruit::Id) .integer() .not_null() .auto_increment() .primary_key(), ) .to_owned(), ) .await }

async fn down(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {



enum Fruit { Table, Id, }

3. Generate a model based on migration above

3. Then try to insert entity using generated model:
let pear = fruit::ActiveModel {
    ..Default::default() // just only autoincremented id here

let res: InsertResult = Fruit::insert(pear).exec(db).await?;

