SeaQL / sea-orm

🐚 An async & dynamic ORM for Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Compilation error when building with sqlx-sqlite and runtime-async-std-rustls #2192

Closed jsalort closed 2 months ago

jsalort commented 2 months ago


An empty project with sea-orm as the only dependency fails to build when sqlx-sqlite and runtime-async-std-rustls are selected.

Steps to Reproduce

Add the following to Cargo.toml in an empty project.

sea-orm = { version = "0.12", features = [ "sqlx-sqlite", "runtime-async-std-rustls", "macros"] }

Then cargo build yields a number of errors while compiling sqlx-sqlite dependency. I am not sure if this is a sea-orm bug (not selecting the correct features of sqlx), or a bug in sqlx.


rustc 1.77.1

└── sea-orm v0.12.15
    ├── sea-orm-macros v0.12.15 (proc-macro)
    │   ├── sea-bae v0.2.0 (proc-macro)
    ├── sea-query v0.30.7
    ├── sea-query-binder v0.5.0
    │   ├── sea-query v0.30.7 (*)
Expurple commented 2 months ago

I even had this error in CI for #2194. The log there should contain all necessary info

tyt2y3 commented 2 months ago

This is caused by The fix's been merged, but not released yet.

tyt2y3 commented 2 months ago

Fixed with