Seahawk240 / Microsoft-FS2020-To-Arduino

A Simple Program which enables communication between a Serial Device (like an Arduino) and the Flight Simulator 2020
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General Discussion - What do you want? #5

Open Seahawk240 opened 3 years ago

Seahawk240 commented 3 years ago

Please let me know about features and functionality you would like to see! I will look into it and if possible give feedback on if, how and when I will implement it.

Greetings Matthias

PS.: You can contact me via discord too: Matthias#5588

Jannomag commented 3 years ago

Your projects sounds and looks exactly like something I need for my MSFS button panel project. My Arduino (Pro Micro) reads the serial port to color some SK6812 LEDs for each button. Currently I'm trying to get just the AP Master variable to work - what does the Arduino get from your tool, exactly and how do you implement this into the Arduino sketches?

I was trying it like this but it doesn't work for me: if (Comp("@90/-1=1$")==0) { ap = true; }

Any way to contact you via email (mine is nick + Would be nice to chat with you about this (in German).

Seahawk240 commented 3 years ago

Your projects sounds and looks exactly like something I need for my MSFS button panel project. My Arduino (Pro Micro) reads the serial port to color some SK6812 LEDs for each button. Currently I'm trying to get just the AP Master variable to work - what does the Arduino get from your tool, exactly and how do you implement this into the Arduino sketches?

I was trying it like this but it doesn't work for me: if (Comp("@90/-1=1$")==0) { ap = true; }

Any way to contact you via email (mine is nick + Would be nice to chat with you about this (in German).

Hey there :) kein Problem meine E-Mail ist Hast du Discord?

Jannomag commented 3 years ago

Ja, gerne: Jannomag #9113

Seahawk240 commented 3 years ago

Okay, Discord Anfrage ist raus

Discman777 commented 3 years ago

Hi, Great utility! It’s just what I need to work with a DIY encoder box that I’m building.

I have three suggestions I hope you can considering adding to your program:

  1. Can you save/restore the “Update/Send Frequency” setting to and from the .cfg file?

  2. When adding a Connection, can you default the COM port away from COM1? As COM1 is the motherboard’s and is never the desired choice. Perhaps defaulting to the second available COM?

  3. I also wonder if it makes sense to filter the serial data packets coming out (i.e. from FS to Arduino)? So that if the subsequent sample of the variable is unchanged, don’t output it to the serial port. The trick is that it’s still necessary to output unchanged data packets at some less-frequent intervals; otherwise, static data may never be seen. The PC has plenty of computing power to do the data testing and floating point rounding etc. This could help out the weaker Arduino.

Again, thank you for sharing your excellent program.

Seahawk240 commented 3 years ago

Hi Discman, Great utility! It’s just what I need to work with a DIY encoder box that I’m building.

I have three suggestions I hope you can considering adding to your program:

1. Can you save/restore the “Update/Send Frequency” setting to and from the .cfg file?

2. When adding a Connection, can you default the COM port away from COM1?  As COM1 is the motherboard’s and is never the desired choice.  Perhaps defaulting to the second available COM?

3. I also wonder if it makes sense to filter the serial data packets coming out (i.e. from FS to Arduino)?  So that if the subsequent sample of the variable is unchanged, don’t output it to the serial port.  The trick is that it’s still necessary to output unchanged data packets at some less-frequent intervals; otherwise, static data may never be seen.  The PC has plenty of computing power to do the data testing and floating point rounding etc.  This could help out the weaker Arduino.

Again, thank you for sharing your excellent program.

Hey there, first of all it's my pleasure to hear, that you like the program. And thank you very much for the input! First of all, I spent the last weeks creating a first video on the program for a seminar in my university which is finished now. This gives me the time to hopefully once again to improve the program! Now to what you suggested

To 1. => Yes! I can and will do that, hopefully within the next 2 weeks.

To 2. => That's a very good point and I gonna add it in. I was not aware that COM1 is always the motherbords serial. But I can easily default it to the second Port, so i will do that.

To 3. =>Interesting idea, i've hadn't thought about that, to be honest. But as you said it's not that hard to implement and probably a good addition.

Furthermore => Due to your post i thought about implementing the Send/Receive Frequency to each COM-Connection independently, so that you can adjust it according to the different capabilites of the Arduinos. What do you think?

Anyway, thanks again very much for your suggestions, I really appreciate it! I gonna update the issues and gonna add a deadline for the next version, now that I have a little bit more freetime.

In any case stay healthy and have a good time! Greetings Matthias

Gulpi commented 3 years ago

Nice work, i played i built my own prototype panel, configurable for my needs, with a small 2.8 display! I don't need ultra realistic replication of cockpits, but wnt same major buttons, encoders in real not just with mouse, this was really helpful. SourceCode for the windows app is not open right. In one airplane i was not able to to it vie simconnect commands, what helped was the keyboard emulation, assigning a keyboard profile fs2020 side. What would be eben better is having the opportunity to also use keyboard combinations (cmd, shift + something). Be aware of any Serial.printXX lines for debugging, i missed a couple of lines which caused quite strange behaviour when running with fs2020!

Seahawk240 commented 3 years ago

Nice work, i played i built my own prototype panel, configurable for my needs, with a small 2.8 display! I don't need ultra realistic replication of cockpits, but wnt same major buttons, encoders in real not just with mouse, this was really helpful. SourceCode for the windows app is not open right. In one airplane i was not able to to it vie simconnect commands, what helped was the keyboard emulation, assigning a keyboard profile fs2020 side. What would be eben better is having the opportunity to also use keyboard combinations (cmd, shift + something). Be aware of any Serial.printXX lines for debugging, i missed a couple of lines which caused quite strange behaviour when running with fs2020!

Hey Gulpi, thanks for your input! I really want to include an extended Keyboard emulation too. I ran into some problems back when I first included this Feature but I hope to find a solution to fix these problems. I think a complete Keyboard Emulation would be amazing!

gerardja commented 2 years ago

It s a very nice sofware. You can use a teensy board to use not only the serial but also the keyboard and joystick at the same time.


Is it possible to add a screen panel like in the air manager. Duplicate of #