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Suggestion: Droids #153

Open StarWarden opened 5 years ago

StarWarden commented 5 years ago

So droids could be an interesting addition. I was thinking that they could be NPC mobs or something that the player (or faction?) controls. You could make (or spawn or earn?) them. They could be used to help complete contracts in addition to being used for base defense and assault. Each droid could have a GUI in which the player can set permissions, target mobs/players, friendly mobs/players, etc. Also maybe commands that can make them do different things like attack players and mobs or defend a certain radius. Maybe factions could have droids as well. There should probably be a cap on how many a player or faction can have. They would be useful for some types of contracts such as kill player or mob contracts. But if that unbalances the contract system then having them for base defense and assault would still be super useful. Maybe even more useful.

It would be cool if there were multiple types of droids as well. I was thinking it would be nice to use Iron and Snow Golems for something. Snow Golems could be ranged droids while the Iron Golems could be close quarters combat droids. Also, perhaps Withers (or Ghasts?) could be a type of airborne drone? Three types with different functions. The thing I like about Snow Golems, Iron Golems, and Withers is that they all spawn when their multiblock structure is completed. That could be useful for dropships: just have a piston or dispenser place the finishing block and you could drop into battle several droids along with yourself or faction remembers. If that doesn't work then could droids fly with ships? I'm not sure how a droid would be "made". Maybe the above mobs could be made normally, then you could click or run a command to "make it a droid". Not sure exactly how it would work, but I think droids would be a useful addition! And the SQ dev team certainly has the skills to code something like this!

IGN: ThunderStryken

HailOVERLORD commented 5 years ago

mining droids

SomethingSomethingAllison commented 5 years ago

I would love this honestly, I'd love to have a robotic army at my base, and it fits the theme of the server, but I think it'd be difficult to code, but if they did it'd be epic.