Sean-Der / rtmp-to-webrtc

Demonstrate a RTMP server that publishes to WebRTC
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how can i extract audio data from rtmp #1

Open varz29 opened 3 years ago

varz29 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Sean-Der , Here is my use case , I'm basically trying to get audio stream from zoom meeting , In the zoom docs they have mentioned in order to get stream we have to setup an rtmp server , so I was successful in setting up a server with Node-Media-Server but I see there is a lot of delay with it , and I also I don't see a way to get raw audio data. Can you please help me with this ? Thank you .

Sean-Der commented 3 years ago

Hey @varz29

Sorry I missed this. I get so many GitHub notifications it is hard to keep track. If you get a chance join and would love to help.