Sean-Meyers / The-Fix

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Create Ending Story Event #5

Closed Sean-Meyers closed 1 year ago

Sean-Meyers commented 1 year ago
Jimivander commented 1 year ago

Ending A: Wow! You have completely escaped poverty due to a small loan of $1,000,000 provided by your father at 0% interest. This is entirely due to how hard you worked and has nothing to do with your father’s ownership of the entire railroad industry. As such, you should castigate anyone that refuses to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Ending B: Congratulations, you managed to overcome your addiction! You are finally free from the world of fantasy that kept you sane and now you have the opportunity to experience the joys of being unhoused in a modern city instead of a medieval one. Unfortunately, the differences appear to be aesthetic at best.

Sean-Meyers commented 1 year ago

Lol ending A. We're also gonna have an ending C: Forever trapped in fantasy world due to drug depravity (and possibly/probably fatal overdose)... right?

Sean-Meyers commented 1 year ago

Just for the prototype, I'm gonna modify these a little, because we have yet to incorporate the whole fantasy hallucination thing into the text, and also, "father" hasn't been introduced yet, so the loan thing won't make sense. After the prototype we'll expand on and refine things to make these endings make more sense, and then add them in.