SeanArchibald / scale-workshop

Design microtonal scales and play them in your web browser. Export your scales for use with VST instruments. Convert Scala files to various tuning formats.
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Trouble to export a .kbm file #95

Open scarlatox opened 4 years ago

scarlatox commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your nice and useful online software ! I have succesfully imported a .scl file but there is only the left frame active, nothing in the middle, I can't use the QWERTY synth to hear it and I don't have the possibility to export it as a .kbm file. I have a pop-up opening, saying "No tuning data to export". It will be clearer with this screen snapshot : scaleworkshop snapshot Did I miss something ? I have created the .scl file using the Korg Minilogue XD synth Librarian who can convert their own microtonal scale format created in their software to a proper .scl file for using it with other synths or virtual synths. Thank you very much for your help. Scarlatox

scarlatox commented 4 years ago

I think I have found the answer to this problem. There was this code line at the bottom end of the scale data : (! Offset:0.000000) who seemed to block the process. I have successfully exported a .kbm file but testing it in Pianoteq, it sounded as a "normal" well-tempered traditional scale. Perhaps the Korg Minilogue XD librarian have some troubles to export some clean .scl files ? So I have to dig it deeper.

vsicurella commented 4 years ago

I was experiencing problems with the Minilogue Librarian (not XD) too. It wouldn't load my the .kbm files exported from here, even though they look 100% correct.

When I exported a Scala and KBM file from the Minilogue, I learned that Korg doesn't really use them properly...I had to write my own python script to generate a file that would work properly.

My problem was setting the root MIDI note and the reference MIDI Note and frequency. Either nothing would change when I changed the root MIDI note or it wouldn't load the file at all. Then when I changed the tuning reference MIDI Note, it seemed to affect the root MIDI note too.

So I think something is wrong on their end, and we should definitely let them know about it! I do not know if the same problem is in the XD Librarian though.

vsicurella commented 4 years ago

We should be able to fix the Scala file loading problem though. That extra line at the end should just be disregarded as a comment since it begins with "!".

scarlatox commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your prompt response. I kept running tests. Importing .scl and .kbm files into the Minilogue XD librarian editor for use as a user scale with Minilogue XD works. On the other hand, exporting .scl and .kbm generated via the Minilogue XD librarian editor from a user scale does not work even corrected by removing this line of code "! Offset:0.000000" thanks to the scaleworkshop by re-exporting a .scl and a clean .kbm. Listening, we only have a tempered file then. I made some tests using the plug in Pianoteq from Modartt, the plug in Aalto from Madronalabs and also the plug in Diva from U-He (after having previously converted it to .tun by Scaleworkshop). There is clearly a problem with their software and I took care to download the latest version (1.0.5). So I'll write to Korg that their editor imports .scl files correctly but fails to export .scl files (faithful translation of the user scales designed in their Minilogue XD synthesizer). Correct files tu use with other instruments especially virtual ones compatible with the Scala format.