SeanChenxy / Mimic3D

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Official weights and 3D SR module #8

Closed JiuTongBro closed 6 months ago

JiuTongBro commented 6 months ago

Hi! Thanks for your impressive work.

However, I noticed that, to use the 3D SR module, we seems need to set the add_sr_module to True. But in your 3d config files, they are set to False. So I wonder, does the model of your official weights set the add_sr_module to True? In other words, does your official weights contain the 3D SR module?


SeanChenxy commented 6 months ago

Hi, add_sr_module is deprecated. Instead, add_3dblock is used to control feature super-resolution.

JiuTongBro commented 6 months ago

Hi, thanks. But I didn't found this option in the config files, nor in the saved training_options.json. There is only a Bool parameter add_sr_module , and a Int parameter add_block started with add.

In my downloaded code, I suppose this option is firstly passed through the **synthesis_kwargs in line 39 of the DualTriPlaneGenerator class in

Then this option is passed to the **synthesis_kwargs in line 749 of the Generator class in

Afterwards, it is passed to the add_sr_module in line 579 of the SynthesisNetwork class in And this parameter controls whether there it is a 3D SR module.

Is this correct? Could you please kindly show me, where the add_3dblock is initially defined in the config files, or in the e.g. main() functions? And finally, which parameter, in which line controls whether the SR module is added?

Sincerely thanks for your kindly response😀

SeanChenxy commented 6 months ago

Hi, retidx: [-3, -1] will enable add_3dblock.

JiuTongBro commented 6 months ago

Got it. Sincirely thanks for your kind responses.