import numpy as np
from PySide6.QtCore import QThread, Signal
from Event import get_channel, Channel
from time import localtime, strftime
Gets expected values for the experiment checks from the first example_events events of an experiment
class Sentry(QThread):
warning_signal = Signal(str)
error_signal = Signal(str)
def __init__(self, config_manager):
self.config_manager = config_manager
self.settings = config_manager.get_settings('sentry_settings')
self.current_example_events = None
self.current_experiment = False
self.last_error_time = -10
self.suppress_errors = 2 # suppress errors for 2 seconds after one error
# values defined after an experiment starts for defaults
self.example_depress_pressures = []
self.example_pump_times = [] # last example_events stroke times
self.recent_pump_times = [] # all times within pump_window
self.expected_pump_rate = None
self.expected_pressure_before_depressurize = None
self.num_pressure_decreases = 0
# Takes boolean representing the new state of bit 4
# Resets all expected values
def handle_experiment(self, event):
self.current_experiment = not event
self.expected_pump_rate = None
self.expected_pressure_before_depressurize = None
self.example_pump_times = []
self.recent_pump_times = []
self.example_depress_pressures = []
self.num_pressure_decreases = 0
self.last_error_time = -10
# update this only here so it is not changed for an ongoing experiment
self.current_example_events = self.settings['example_events']
def handle_pump(self, event):
if self.current_experiment:
# Define expected pump rate
if self.expected_pump_rate is None and len(self.example_pump_times) == self.current_example_events:
avg = np.diff(self.example_pump_times).mean()
self.expected_pump_rate = 1 / avg
# Check for deviation from expected rate (averaged over last example_events)
if len(self.example_pump_times) > self.current_example_events:
pump_rate = 1 / np.diff(self.example_pump_times).mean()
rate_percent_increase = (pump_rate - self.expected_pump_rate) / self.expected_pump_rate
if event.event_time - self.last_error_time > self.suppress_errors:
if rate_percent_increase > self.settings["max_pump_rate_increase"]:
f"Warning: pump rate at {strftime('%H:%M:%S', localtime(event.event_time))} is "
f"{pump_rate:.2f}, which is {rate_percent_increase:.2f}% over the expected rate from the "
"beginning of the experiment. Possible leak.")
# check for max_pumps within pump_window
self.recent_pump_times = [t for t in self.recent_pump_times if t > event.event_time - self.settings["pump_window"]]
if event.event_time - self.last_error_time > self.suppress_errors:
if len(self.recent_pump_times) > self.settings["max_pumps_in_window"]:
f"Error: {len(self.recent_pump_times)} pump strokes occurred within {self.settings['pump_window']} seconds.")
self.last_error_time = event.event_time
def handle_depressurize(self, event):
if self.current_experiment:
initial_pressure = get_channel(event, Channel.HI_PRE_ORIG)[:event.event_index].mean()
# define expected pressure before depressurize
if self.expected_pressure_before_depressurize is None:
if len(self.example_depress_pressures) == self.current_example_events:
self.expected_pressure_before_depressurize = np.mean(self.example_depress_pressures)
percent_change = ((initial_pressure - self.expected_pressure_before_depressurize) /
if percent_change < - self.settings["max_pressure_before_depress_decrease"]:
self.num_pressure_decreases += 1
if event.event_time - self.last_error_time > self.suppress_errors:
if self.num_pressure_decreases >= self.settings["decrease_count_to_error"]:
f"Error: pressure decreased {self.num_pressure_decreases} times in a row at "
f"{strftime('%H:%M:%S', localtime(event.event_time))}. Likely leak")
self.last_error_time = event.event_time
f"Warning: pressure decreasing at "
f"{strftime('%H:%M:%S', localtime(event.event_time))}. Possible leak.")
self.num_pressure_decreases = 0
if event.event_time - self.last_error_time > self.suppress_errors:
if percent_change > self.settings["max_pressure_before_depress_increase"]:
f"Warning: pressure increasing at "
f"{strftime('%H:%M:%S', localtime(event.event_time))}. Possible leak.")
# On device disconnect
def reset(self):
# Exit experiment mode (argument is value of bit 4 and thus is high for normal operation)
def update_settings(self, key='sentry_settings'):
if key == 'sentry_settings':
self.settings = self.config_manager.get_settings(key)
import numpy as np from PySide6.QtCore import QThread, Signal from Event import get_channel, Channel from time import localtime, strftime
Gets expected values for the experiment checks from the first example_events events of an experiment
class Sentry(QThread): warning_signal = Signal(str) error_signal = Signal(str)