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Increase underrepresented speakers in tech: an impact map #271

Open SeanKilleen opened 6 years ago

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

Inspired by a twitter thread.

Desired Impact

We want more underrepresented folks attending / speaking at conferences.

General Perceived Obstacle / Symptom

I'd like to push back on this by digging into the "why" people don't submit to conferences.

Actual Obstacles / Examples

Gathered from Twitter, Slack, conversations, etc.


This is a random smattering of suggestions that map to the obstacles listed above.

other points worth making

None of these things are in dispute. Also, none of them are excuses to not have a more diverse lineup.

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

"Speaking just for me, I don't know what I would talk about! Probably my greatest expertise is navigating federal bureaucracies and that topic is best covered at post-conference happy hours"

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

"I'm at [a training class] today and facilitated something so yeah, maybe the proposal process is the blocker"

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

Idea: a space to suggest topics for underrepresented groups who might be held back by imposter syndrome. Sometimes people don't realize how valuable their knowledge is until someone else helps to make them aware

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

Idea: bring women into the organizing team. Instant boost / win

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

Under the "people who can help us" part of the map:

Some of these people can help us by signing up -- that's the persona we're targeting

Some of these people can help in other ways and we can influence them to do so.

dawnbarton commented 6 years ago

I think a lot of women not only don't realize they have something valuable to contribute, they also may not realize that once they put in the initial effort for a proposal, they can gently rework it for another conference instead of completely redoing it.

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

Working on this digraph to help my brain visualize the impact map -- folks can drop it into to see it:

digraph g {
    subgraph cluster_Impact {

        Impact[label="Increase underrepresented speakers at tech conferences"]

    subgraph cluster_People {
        label="Who Could help?";

        Impact -> WomenWithKids
        Impact -> WomenWithSafetyConcerns
        Impact -> WomenWhoFeelLikeTokens
        Impact -> POC
        Impact -> ThoseWithImposterSyndrome
        Impact -> Organizers
        Impact -> Volunteers
        Impact -> Sponsors
        Impact -> Marketers
    subgraph cluster_Behavior {
       label="How could they change their behavior?"
       ApplyToSpeakWomenWithKids [label="Apply To Speak"]
       ApplyToSpeakWomenWhoFeelLikeTokens [label="Apply to Speak"]

       WomenWithKids -> ApplyToSpeakWomenWithKids
       WomenWhoFeelLikeTokens -> ApplyToSpeakWomenWithSafetyConcerns
    subgraph cluster_Influence {
       label="How can we influence that change?"
       ApplyToSpeakWomenWithKids [label="Apply To Speak"]
       ApplyToSpeakWomenWithSafetyConcerns [label="Apply to Speak"]

       ApplyToSpeakWomenWithKids -> MothersRoom
       ApplyToSpeakWomenWithKids -> StipendForPrepTime
       ApplyToSpeakWomenWithKids -> TravelForChild

       ApplyToSpeakWomenWithSafetyConcerns -> CodeOfConduct
       ApplyToSpeakWomenWithSafetyConcerns -> PublicCOCViolations
SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

A way overrepresented (read: cis white male) speakers can help: speaking requirements that actively state they look for diversity in conferences. And also backing out of engagements that don't meet this standard. Wanted to note that before I forgot.

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

Another thread about another conf that had 87 male speakers. Facepalm.

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

Also blind selections. Can't forget those

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

Additional ideas:

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

SeanKilleen commented 6 years ago

People seem to think the problem is finding women speakers for example:

And surfacing these speakers is important, but not nearly enough