SeanSobey / ChartjsNodeCanvas

A node renderer for Chart.js using canvas.
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Using adapter for date formatting (date-fns, moment or luxon) without require - ESM? #144

Open exetico opened 3 months ago

exetico commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug I'm unable to use ChatjsNodeCanvas with a Chart.js adapter like date-fns. I've tried with date-fns, moment and luxon with no luck.

I've tried to search through the issues, but all workaround are with require usage.

Have I just missed something, or can't I use this with a adapter, if I'm unable to use require? (ES Module)

I'd really like to use a date adapter, as I'm normally during in front-end Chart.js :-).

Or is rendering through NodeJS just a thing I can do nativly in Chartjs 4, or? I've not found anything useful by searching around the topic, but maybe I've missed some important facts, or search keywords.


Additional context

I'm facing the classic Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module, and I'm trying to get ChartjsNodeCanvas to work with a date adapter, but I've not found a way to do so.

petrovi4 commented 3 months ago

Hi @exetico ! Did you manage to solve the problem? I ran into her too (

exetico commented 3 months ago

Regrettably, @petrovi4, I wasn't able to find a straightforward solution despite extensive research and various attempts.

I resorted to a workaround.

I manually generated date strings for my X-axis, ensuring that every possible timestamp from Y1, Y2, and Y3 was included in my "timestamp" array before generating the timestamps.

Subsequently, I generated null data points for my Y-axes to fill in the gaps, given that Y1, Y2, and Y3 had different data frequencies.

For instance, if Y1 had timestamps: 1242, 1342, 1443 and Y2 had 1261, 1361, 1561, I combined and sorted these to create a comprehensive X-axis timestamp series: 1242, 1261, 1342, 1361, 1443, 1561. I'll spare you the details for Y3 😁.

Here's a simplified example:

let timestamps = [...Y1_timestamps, ...Y2_timestamps, ...Y3_timestamps];
timestamps = [ Set(timestamps)]; // Remove duplicates
timestamps.sort(); // Sort timestamps in ascending order

Then, for each timestamp in timestamps, I added a {x: time, y: null} to each Y dataset.

To ensure that the null data points in Y1, Y2, and Y3 were accounted for in the line plots, I set spanGaps: true for each dataset.

This solution might seem unconventional, but it served my purpose while we await a more elegant fix or suggestion. I'm confident there are other workarounds, but this one worked as expected for my case. I couldn't achieve the desired result without the null data points. Perhaps playing around more with spanGaps could have yielded a different outcome, but that's a task for another day.